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It Really is Darkest Before the Dawn- Hang On!


Life is a hard and grueling endeavor at times.

When we get closer to the solution of our problems, life often times becomes dark. We are exhausted, overwhelmed, disgusted and jaded when we are closest to the end of the tunnel.

When you're going through Hell, keep on going! When we are close to end, it is like running a marathon and we need to keep the faith alive. In the moment, it seems like we will never reach the goal and that our enemies have ousted us. This couldn't be further from the truth. We need someone to cheer us on, and more often than not we need to be our own cheerleader.

Your drive and endurance are your keys to success when the road seems long. The dawn js just over the horizon, and your work will pay off. Imagine your life and how it will feel when the darkness is a fading memory. It will feel like the dawn morning light on your skin. Think of the impending warmth and keep on pushing!

Picture from Pixabay.