Korea test?


Happy Sunday, Steemians,

It's a beautiful day here in Memphis, TN. The sky is clear and calm after our little brush with Harvey, which was just a tropical depression by the time it got here.

We wake to more international craziness. I am not prone to fear and loathing, but more to curiosity, and I want to pose a few questions specific to the Steem world.

  1. Is this the spark that sets off the apocalypse? Was the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand the spark that set off WWI? The Black Hand group was secret, and Kim Jong-un is very public about his actions. Will the global community be able to stop him?
  2. How will cryptocurrency be effected by global war?
  3. "The Internet" and "The cloud" are decentralized entities. How will they be effected?

I'm going to take a nice long walk with my dog now.


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