Update On My Student Life At USV In Suceava, Bukovina, Northeastern Romania (October 2021)

Good evening, dear readers from both HIVE and outside of it! For today's second post here on my HIVE blog, I decided to share an update on my student life at Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava (USV) in Suceava, my hometown in Bukovina, northeastern Romania.

First of all, all the courses are going very well for me at the moment, which is truly encouraging if I am to look forward to the future, both here and overseas. Secondly, I am in preparation for a Cambridge examination (which I hope to pass with a C2 overall level as soon as possible, even though we're facing a dreadful 5th COVID-19 pandemic wave here). Thirdly, I have already commenced showing official interest and communication with the Erasmus office here at USV for a future 5-month personal experience with a partner university from the European Union which I hope to be admitted at during the first semester of my 3rd and final BSc year.

After that (i.e. after I will receive my BSc diploma in the programme "Digital media"), I will continue pursuing my studies in the master programme "British culture and civilization in the context of globalization", as intended when I returned home back in 2020. Beyond that point (i.e. after graduating from the aforementioned master's programme), the sky will be the limit. I do not know where I will head, but I will be just fine (and more than that, I very certain).

Nonetheless, in the meantime, I continue working at the student radio station (which I will do well into my master years here as well) and even at Digital Media Center for a new show with a great friend of mine presenting Apple products, even though I have officially quit my former position as presenter for Musical Book Lovers in the summer (from a series of noteworthy personal reasons which I am not going to delve in at the moment).

Last but not least, life is sometimes very weird and you can see me giving thumbs up from one of the student job places that I previously left and thought I would not get back to at all.

At Digital Media Center on 11 October 2021

Anyway, I'll be fine, I've been through some harsher personal times, but I'd be a liar to claim that I've seen harder days as these for the society in which I live. Economically I'm still well off, even though with bounces and setbacks during some days, but I can still afford basic commodities with the help of maternal family. Health wise, I'm clean as well, very much fortunately, thank God!


The objectives for the next few years are academic and professional advancement, as much as I can with the most honorable options that I have at my disposal given the current troubled socio-political context and chaotic global status quo were are all currently going through. One day, it will end, and then perhaps we will be happy again. Until then, there is still hope. There was always and it will always be.

Last but not least, I hope this post finds you all well, safe, and healthy, and that you will continue to find hope and purpose in your daily lives as I do. These harsh times will eventually pass, keep the faith...

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