Why drugs won't work for me.... :)


This morning I got a mail from a ticketselling service with the message there were tickets on sale for a concert of Eminem.
He will perform in the Ziggo Dome... It turned out my oldest son had made this alert at the service because he want to go to the concert.

Thinking of Eminem it reminded me of the concert I went with a lot of friends back in 2003 in the Amsterdam Arena (stadium of Ajax). Although Eminem isn't my mainstream music I thought it would be fun to go with a large group and have a lot of fun. Besides that, it was the first time Eminem visited Holland and so with his recent hits (at that time) it was a big show. So we decided to go.

If I recall correct we were with 10 persons or so, my brother's, brother in law and some friends.
First we sat at on the outside of the Arena to have a few drinks before we went in. So finally when we did go into the arena we were surprised by the enormous smell of Mariuhana. As you probably now you can buy (and smoke) Mariuhana almost anywhere in the Netherlands, and the audience from Eminem seem to like to smoke a lot.....

After a few drinks one of our friends asked if we would smoke some weed too, so everyone was looking at eachother and we decided to do so......(bad move).

You have to know that I never did any kind of drugs before, no other than a small puff of a joint, but I didn't liked it so I never did

The only problem was, that there was no selling point in the Arena. So one of our friends ( a girl) said "Well, i will take care of that" , so she went to some guy's and asked if the had any weed on them and if we could have some in return for some beers.... And I still don't know how she did it, but she got some weed....


So we had some joints and we all took some puffs of it. After a while I did started to notice some 'stoner' feelings.... I was a bit dizzy, felt quite relaxed and was having a great time..... In the meantime the others were getting more stoned to and we laughed a lot....

At some point the support act (Cypress Hill, X-hibit, 50Cent) started and I was getting more stoned without smoking anymore.... The last I really remember is that I was just listening to the music but without really experiencing it if you know what I mean.... The others where quite the same, my brother and our friend went to the first aid, they felt terrible :)... Later on they got some dextrose but where fine.... So it wasn't a succes for all of us, except for one guy, he did smoked weed more often so he was just stoned, good stoned lol....

At the end of the evening the result was that I had seen a glimp of 50 cent, but because of me being stoned and living in my own world for some time I haven't seen Eminem for a minute, I was there fysically but mentally I wasnt lol.....
I was quite ashamed of my self later on.....


Afterwards we had a great laugh about it, but for me it was obvious, drugs is nothing for me......
So that's my memory of the Eminem Concert :)

Have a great day

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