Multi Dimensionality and Enlightenment


We have come to a point in life where our world including us, operates at a level of logical perception. This means for us to truly understand something we need to see its resolve displayed in a physical representation. This way of life has been with us since the dawn of mankind as we have never really relied on any other ways of perception, rather than our eyes, ears, touch, and smell.

I noticed that the new trend these days is all about our multi-dimensional beignets and reaching enlightenment, so in this article, I will talk about the spiritual concepts of Multi-Dimensionality and what Enlightenment stands for.


A Dimension is "a measurable extent of a particular kind", that has been derived from the physical looking point of society till this day on. Yet the saying that we exist as multidimensional beings goes far more than this simple perception of dimensionality. Humanity has been measuring dimensions based on what the eyes see and what we can touch, which is still accurate, I can't disagree but when it comes to the multi-dimensionality of a human being, there is a whole new set of measuring ways that exist.

Let us begin with a simple explanation. The first most common dimensions one can truly understand in his walking state.

From this point on we will be looking at ourselves as consciousness.

The first two dimensions we come across is IN and OUT. Inner dimensionality, where our inner voice exists, our dreams and emotions and out as the extroverted expression of that inner dimensionality.

Now, let's go even deeper on this one, shall we?

On the inner side, we start to see different kinds of dimensions to the self, different kind of measurement points we can group into whole constructs.

Let us have a look at some of them:

The Entity – A gestalt or grouping of the present personality and all reincarnation selves sharing the same Inner Self/Ego.
This could also be derived from the information coded in our DNA.

The Inner Ego - This is your core self, everything which is you is clustered into the Ego concept on an inner scale.

The Personality - This is a fluid dimension which changes based on the current life circumstances, created by the circumstances themselves.

Reincarnational Selves/Personalities – This includes past and future selves, meaning the measurement of the " Self" in a given amount of time. ( There is a nearly infinite number of these).

Probable Selves - These would be additional selves that grow out of each personality, which makes things even more complex.

The Subconscious - Whilst this is not a self-type, it is a dimension which connects a person to all aspects of oneself.

The Dream Self - This is the sleeping side of ourselves, the one that constructs dreams using the subconsciousness as a tool.

The Outer Ego - The so called "I" concept, which feels touches smells and expresses emotions from the inner source, so they may affect people.

See, this is what being multi-dimensional means, we have all these aforementioned dimensions, which can be measured in abstract ways (For Now) due to their unphysical nature, yet they are still connected with the physical US because they are a part of us.


A lot of people are chasing after Enlightenment these days as if it was a goal to be achieved, but little do people know that Enlightenment itself is a way of perceiving the world, it is being able to perceive the world from a non-physical viewing point. where logical perception fades away. That is where spirituality comes in because we need to find that way of perception within ourselves, refining our consciousness to that given point.
If your energies reach a certain peak within you, you have a new clarity and a new way of perception in life, hence you can see in completely different dimension.
Seeing life beyond the normal ways of perception. (Physical ways of perception)
The whole concept of spirituality is to raise one's perception beyond the physical level, that is to where spirituality boils down at its core, the different methods and teachings show us how to find measure and tweak different dimensions within ourselves, afterward implementing them in our everyday lifestyles.

No Enlightened person will ever say "I am Enlightened" as that would be transcribed as I am living.

There are no bars on enlightenment as we all have our unique ways to perceive dimensionality in our own states of being and conscious interpretations.

Hope this article made some sense and if it did, please resteem, upvote so It can help people understand all this new spirituality mumbo jumbo.


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