OK dude...


The above came across both my minds and gab feeds in the last day or so.

A rapper in the UK of whom I have never heard was suspended on Twitter for merely responding to a tweet with "OK dude..."

The crux of the story is this: @ZubyMusic and @EmilyGorcenski were having some on-going debate over a period of about a week. What was it about? Don't know. Don't care. Check here and here for a more complete account.

@ZubyMusic apparently got tired of the banter and ended it with "OK Dude..."


Then "Dude Denier" @EmilyGorcenski cries to about it to Twitter who in turn suspended the aforementioned Zuby.

A day or so later, Siraj Hashmi with the Washington Examiner, posted a list of people "who need their phone taken" after which Gorcenski responds: "Getting offended over free speech by advocating for the silencing of people with different viewpoints."

Oh, the duplicity...


If/when you tire of political correctness and the hammer it wields, make a choice and get away from the mainstream social media clearinghouses. There are alternatives. These are the ones I use.

For Facebook:

  • Minds - Pros: Good groups, a lot of good people, conservative bent. Free speech! The administrators don't hold your hand. If you don't like something, block it. Cons: None of your friends are there. Because there is free speech, anti-sematism and racism abounds but I figure that these are mostly trolls and I block them as I see them.
  • Gab - Pros and cons same as above.
  • USA.life - Pros: Very conservative and Christianish. I believe the founder is a minister. Cons: None of your friends are there.
    The news feeds on both platforms tend to be other than MSM and more conservative.

For Twitter:

  • Parler - Pros: Very much like Twitter in the aspects of feeds and hashtags. Cons: Again, none of your friends are there.

For YouTube there are several alternatives of which I use 1:

  • Bitchute - Pros: Free speech. Pretty good content. Cons: A little hard to navigate, the search function is not as good as one would hope. No HD.


Back to the lead-in:

Solomon had a lot to say about fools, foolishness and the triviality of arguing moot points. There is a list at the bottom of references just from Proverbs.

bible(KJV) [Gen1:1]> ??fool ?in pr1:1-pr31:31
Searching for 'fool'... [41 refs in Pr1:1-Pr31:31]
bible(KJV) [Gen1:1]> ?l
References [41]: Pr7:22 Pr10:8 Pr10:10 Pr10:18 Pr10:23 Pr11:29 Pr12:15
Pr12:16 Pr13:16 Pr14:16 Pr15:5 Pr17:7 Pr17:10 Pr17:12 Pr17:16 Pr17:21 Pr17:24
Pr17:28 Pr18:2 Pr18:6 Pr18:7 Pr19:1 Pr19:10 Pr20:3 Pr23:9 Pr24:7 Pr26:1 Pr26:3
Pr26:4 Pr26:5 Pr26:6 Pr26:8 Pr26:10 Pr26:11 Pr26:12 Pr27:3 Pr27:22 Pr28:26
Pr29:11 Pr29:20 Pr30:22
bible(KJV) [Gen1:1]>


I post somewhat intermittently on publish0x, cent and steemit.

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