How to get wiser?

I don't give advises a lot because I once read that "Wiser will not need them and fools wouldn't listen". But I sometimes start parenting people in the hope that someday my words will drill through their thick skull. But today, I am going to talk about a general idea of "what is wisdom and how one can become wiser"?

NOTE: I am not a wise person. I am still learning. Light years to go.

Fail but Don't Quit

Whatever I have learned so far is from my mistakes, failure, setbacks. For me, there is no great master than failure. The only thing you should have against these events is "don't quit".

If you have the fighting spirit, I would advise not to fear failure. There is no good way to find if it will work or not. If it works, fine. If it doesn't, you know not to go that road again.

Read Books

I know it sounds boring but it isn't. The idea of books starts fading as someone throws it at you because you remember bags heavier than your weight in your child hood. I thought of people fool who would say "books are your best friend". But now, trust me. I preach the idea of reading books. Books summarizes someone's experience of the life and that is what wisdom is. You don't have to make mistakes to learn it. You can learn it from someone's else experience (because now he is wiser. He failed. He rectified. Now he knows what you don't). Keep reading.


Do what you love

You will never learn or never be good at something that you do but don't love. For example, I love to do everything except a JOB. So, I don't do the job and that gives me time to do everything else. While people talk about only one department or industry, I can discuss things from the ghost particles to the space/universe exploration.
If you do what you love, you will never see a failure as a setback. You will always take it as a challenge becuase it will never bore you.

Your Elders - Source of life long wisdom

If you think that wiser is the one who has got a degree from a university or even got a nobel prize of some sort, I will stop you there. Wisdom is not just an outcome of degrees or piece of papers or medals. It is the totality of your life experiences. Sit with your elders and you will know. Books, colleges, universities, they will teach you how to behave but what about how to "LIVE". No one can answer this question unless and until they have lived theirs. Ask them and you will know the definition of wisdom.


Always remember, being wise doesn't mean that you are equipped with information. It means that you should know where and how to use it.


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