How to STOP Comparing Yourself: Living Life On Purpose

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I struggled with this the most in my childhood to early adult life. I would compare myself to others whether it was in school, sports, or what I considered were the ideals standard of beauty. As I got older, it morphed into other metrics such as job title, income levels, and other worldly successes. I quickly discovered there are an infinite number of categories upon which one can compare themselves and an infinite number of people to compare ourselves to. The tendency to compare ourselves is a decision that robs us from experiencing joy in our lives!

We ought to strive to be the best version of ourselves, not only for our own selves, but additionally for the benefit and contributions that we can offer to others. Many times when we compare ourselves to others, it is because we are blocked from seeing the value and worth of ourselves due to experiencing some form of trauma in our lives. These traumas then create energy blockages in our lives that can manifest itself physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. While the struggle is real, it does not have to be any longer. There is freedom in living a life without comparison! Are you looking to clear away blockages in your manifesting or looking to learn more on how to consciously apply the #LawOfAttraction?

Here are some insight as to what has helped me along in my journey.

  1. Realize that comparisons do not tell the whole story.
    This was an "aha" moment for me when I realized how comparing or judging my "best" or "worst" to someone else's "best" or "worst" journey did not compare to each other. For example, comparing my beginning stages to someone who is either in the middle or last stage does not measure up to each other.

  2. Comparing wastes precious time
    I would spend so much time in comparing myself to others, I literally would send hours going through people's social media pages and fantasize about living what I presumed to be the "perfect life". I was wasting so much time, And so are you if you are constantly refreshing your news feed to catch a glipmse of someone else's life. That time I was surfing the wb and Insta'stalking, LOL, could have been wisely spent cultivating that skill in me that I had admired in someone else. You see, comparing yourself to someone else shifts the mind away from yourself and productivity. When we focus on what someone else has or is doing, we limit ourself even more from spending time to do better, learn more, or aquire a skill. Take that energy and focus it on yourself and what you must do to be where you need or want to be. Keep your eyes on your lane, looking else where can cause you to trip an delay your process.

  3. Social Media is NOT your friend
    I shared how I use to spend hours looking through my news feed to fuel my inner critic on how much my life was "not up to par" as compared to the pictures and posts that my social groups were sharing. Do yourself a favor, #TurnOffYourDevice, or atleast shut it down for a while. Time is precious, ans instead of scrolling through hours of pictures and posts, that time can be used to focus on the present and do something for yourself or someone else that will actually matter. Work on self-improvement and cultivation. That is time well spent!

  4. Live a life of appreciation
    This is where counting your blessings come in to play. I would place so much of my energy and focus on what I did not have or what I felt I was lacking at that I failed to see what I actually did have. Becoming aware of the present and past blessings you have will show you how much you have really achieved and what you already possess. Not only was I grateful for all that I had overlooked in my life, I became more appreciative of what I had, how I could maximize on a current skill, and realize the many connections I could network within. Instead of looking at my "weaknesses" I geared my focus on my strengths and celebrated them. I actually gave myself a "pat on the back" and learned that while I desired more, I would not allow that to consume me anymore. I became "ok" with where I was at and focused on what I currently have to get me to where I wanted to be.

I learned that life has enough problems of its own and comparing ourselves devalues us and is not fair to your individual journey. It is imporatnt to be able to look at your own strengths and see your true value an worth can not be compared. This is the true measure of success, the ability to believe in yourself and set the standard for yourself to be the best you that you can be.

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