How We Can Rid The World of Plastic

Humanity's Behavioral Problem is Devastating the Planet

Trump with his plastic water bottle seemed fitting for this article!

The Problem With Plastic

Humans are recycling's greatest enemy because we don't recycle enough of it. What doesn't get recycled gets put in the landfill, or worse, makes it into the ocean or scatters the earth. Is it possible to spread awareness to improve our behavioral problem or should we take matters into our own hands and use a more biodegradable substance. One must also consider that people in the plastic recycling business would be out of jobs. It is also important to consider the pollution of plastic and its carcinogenic components.

Plastic is polluting the ocean and harming/killing the life in it.

Say No to Plastic Bags

Plastic bags are indeed made out of plastic but they are so thin that they take more money to process through the recycling machine than the money they sell it for once it is recycled. Because of this, plastic bags get put into the landfill to sit for 450 years at least. There is a ridiculous amount of plastic bags on this planet. This is utterly embarrassing considering paper bags are available. My town no longer uses plastic bags in our grocery stores and paper bags cost ten cents each. Many people bring their own bags to the store and I am proud my town has taken a stance and I hope all overs follow suit.

As found in this article,, companies such as coca-cola and Pepsico are making portions out of their bottles plant-based and biodegradable. I believe this is a nice step but I also believe that we can do better. Why not eliminate plastic all together? There is more plastic in the ocean than plankton and there is concern about long-term pollution as plastic slowly decomposes. What is so special with this material? Scientific studies have shown the chemicals in plastic to be carcinogenic. BPA may not even be the worst or only carcinogenic ingredient.

Possible Solutions

Is plastic it cheaper than hemp? According to, hemp is actually CHEAPER than plastic. Industrial hemp composites are replacing plastic in car dashboards and door panels more and more. Hemp is not legal for industrial growth in all states but in recent years there has been an increase in the number of states that are choosing to legalize industrialized hemp growth.

Hemp "Plastic" can be made into almost any form. Just like plastic, hemp can be made into a thin material for products like water bottles, as well as a dense, strong, and rigid composite for products such as boats, cars, and more.

A Plastic-Eating-Mushroom is a rare type of fungus that is found in the Amazon. The Pestalotiopsis microspora (plastic eating mushroom) can convert polyurethane (plastic) into an edible biomass and therefore decompose it!

Fungus can replace plastic, too! It can be molded into the same substances that plastic can. The Guardian explains that mushrooms can be used for "packaging, home insulation, fiberboard, furniture, and more. Eben Bayer, the CEO of Ecovative says that they will be able to compete with the billion-dollar plastics industry because they are not extracting things, they are using biology's power.

Here's some videos that explain it well:

Eben Bayer Himself

What I Would Do...

In my opinion, we shouldn't wait any longer and we should use start swapping plastic out with fungus. We should legalize industrial hemp growth in all states so that producers can choose which container they prefer. Using hemp instead of plastic will be cheaper for the producers as well as for the consumers. We should then put a system in place in which the plastic-eating mushrooms can eat the remaining plastic (Maybe it can be a job for people in prison so the business won't fail once all of the plastic has been decomposed. Just an idea (I hope I don't offend anyone, you can also give me other suggestions)! have to worry about the harmful effects of plastic on mother earth and its inhabitants any longer.

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