Hello Hive World....this is me

Hello and welcome to the first day of the rest of our lives….happy new year!!


Hi there, I thought I’d do my introductory post on new years day – I’m a big one for symbolism 😊

GOLLY! I just wanted to say thank you for the warm welcome I’ve already received and also a big thank you to my friends @pricessmewmew and @morkrock for introducing me to this amazing community and you fine people! Imagine my surprise (technogeek that I am) on hearing that there is a whole social commerce, unlike any other, right under my nose.
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My name is Derryn and I’m from all over my fair South Africa, I settled in Cape Town in 2010, after being in the petrochemical engineering industry for 12 years, and two international moves – I find myself with this guy, fellow foodie and chef – my chosen partner in life.


We’ve been kicking about, sharing our love of food, people and music for 4 years and this is our son – Jackson. My reason and my light.



Yes sir, we are raising our very own little punk!! Always ready with a smile, a gentle soul and already a lover of the ocean and nature….although he doesn’t yet appear to share our love of the culinary persuasion 🤭
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I hope to share with you, in time to come, my insights on books, food, Cape Town and music 😃

I have been lucky enough to travel the world extensively in my 34 years and it has taken leaving and coming home to really appreciate the beauty that is Cape Town, not just our incredible landscapes but the restaurateurs., tattooists, musicians (basically the people) and the many cultures we have here.


In closing, it's good to be here and if anyone has any pointers on how best to navigate this space and what communities I should join, any advice at all - I'd be grateful for it - and I wish you all an abundant 2022, filled with love and light and laughter. Lets hope that this year brings the beginning of a global healing after two years of socioeconomic calamity.
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