The Wonder of Kamantuege or Garden Balsam


Garden Balsam or Kamantuege is a native plant from Southern Asia. It is used as a traditional medicine in some countries in Asia.


It's uses include: treatment for burns, bruise, contusion, painful inflammation, dysmenorrhea, constipation, insect bites such as snake bites, and those who injested poisonous. This can also be used to stimulate hair growth.


This plant can easily grow anywhere in your background. You can just spread the seeds on the soil and let the plant be visible in few days. It's flowers have different colors, it could be white, pink, red or violet.

My mom planted this plant because it help her in some ways, like when she got burns from cooking. She would directly take some leaves and squeeze it in affected area, and she would say she doesn't feel any pain from burns.


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