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'The Truth' religion

sun2.jpgThere is a new religion emerging but one that is possibly the oldest just being rediscovered as the truth has always been the truth. To say there's never been a person alive who believed the Sun is God is ridiculous and I think impossible. I, however, called this religion 'The Truth' because it is based on facts. What is the most important thing on Earth? photosynthesis.png Photosynthesis, without it we wouldn't be here. What drives photosynthesis? God. What created the matter not only our Earth is constructed from but also all the planets/moons etc in our solar system? God. What stops Earth from dropping close to 0 degrees K? God. What do we orbit? God. What creates weather? God. What would we be without God? Dead. What takes up roughly 99.89% of the whole of the matter in our solar system? God. What releases more energy in 1 second than all the electrical energy ever produced by mankind in our entire history? God. Who do you know who is 4.5 billion years old? God.(and technically that's the age of everyone and everything on Earth because they are all constructed from elements that were created at the same time in God's birth) 'God said let there be light and then there was light.'150316102110_1_900x600.jpgWe all have or at 1 time have had a mother and father but we actually have 2 mothers and 2 fathers, your real mother and father then mother Earth and our father who art in heaven, the Sun. I was brought up in a church of England primary school but always had trouble believing what was read to me from the bible, ask yourself, what is Christianity? Yes a religion but who brought Christianity to millions of people? The the Romans believe in Christianity? No. What did the Romans believe? They were Latin and believed in the sons of Mars and the sons of Jupiter etc. Why did the Romans spread Christianity? To control the masses. Who was Jesus Christ? A great man. Was Jesus Christ the son of God? Yes, we are all the sons and daughters of God. Can God help you in life? Yes, God is constantly helping us all by providing us the light and warmth we need to survive. high-resolution-awesome-planet-earth-wallpaper-hd-full-size-desktop-with-widescreen-images-for-laptop-.jpgShould you pray? That is up to you, personally I do, I tell him how much I appreciate him and mother Earth but I don't say a word, I just think it. I cannot comment on any other religions because i don't know enough about them but I will say that anyone, no matter what religion you are, can still be that religion and also believe the truth if their religion permits it but personally I don't need any other religion, the truth is the only one I want. Thanks for reading, please comment and/or upvote. Respect God and mother Earth, know right from wrong and believe 'The Truth'. God bless.

Update, I'm having second thoughts on calling this a religion, perhaps it should just be called a belief, what do you think?fhsZCcC.jpgPicture taken in Romania by a fellow steemian, link:-