From Fear To Your Success. I was a very cautious man who learned to make dreams happen!

We all can have Peace

I'm amazed at the power of Peace when we have a calmness inside our selves.

That sweet feeling inside.  I especially appreciate it when I can feel that in a frightening situation.

Sometimes I lose that feeling, when I most need it. So ill run off in my head or physically and take time away to re-group and find that feeling.

Sometimes I'll pray.

But Our Fear!

Overcoming fear is something we all face when we try to do new things such as take a job or fall in love. Or when we create a new product line or start a business or even try to figure out what to write on Steamit 

Fear appears when we consider what to invest our money in, or how to pay our bills. 

We all face the fear of failure.

 I know I have.

In short there there is no progress in life without taking these kinds of risks and facing that fear you can't succeed in life if we give up 

To not face these fears even in the business world. I take risks of failure everytime I try to launch something or post something or try something new.

There is  failure everywhere around us.

BUT- Look around and see that people are willing to take huge million-dollar risks that will improve their lives or create projects. They'll try new business or boost their paychecks. 

Do they always succeed?  No, but without taking that risk and facing the fears they have, they have no chance to succeed.

As a business owner, actor and entrepreneur like myself , I take a lot of  risks and I have to overcome this fear of failure before I can take that risk.

What are the consequesnces of not taking the risks each day?

A little Story, speaks big.

Here's a story, author unknown to me, but I qoute it here:

"There was a very cautious man,  who never laughed or played. He never risked.  He never tried. He never sang or prayed. And when one day he passed away,  his insurance was denied,  for since he never really lived,  they claim he never died"

 I love that little story. To me it speaks volumes in a fun little way.

It's just not possible to live our lives without trying something new or taking risks. Every step we take is a risk. How did we ever learn to walk, if we didnt take those risks, fight the fear of falling. Take the baby steps.

Every step we take could be a failure

We all fail.  Everyone in this world past present and future has a failure rate. 

But that doesn't mean we have to live that way or live in the fear of that failure. If we don't face our fears- they lock us in and steal the accomplishments and dreams we have in our lives.

We all suffer pain,  regret,  loss. And our dreams, our shoulda, woulda, could'a's,  will never be perfect

 I'll never be perfect. 

So we're never going to be perfectly successful in what we do. That doesn't mean we won't succeed in our lives But we have to try.

I encourage you to keep going. make your dreams happen!

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