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I always felt like I wasn't a true artist because when people asked Me "what does this painting mean?" I often was speechless, I never had this deep explanation of how my strokes meant anger or whatever; when I paint at this current point in time it's not so much about a story to me or the emotion it's about the process... I guess you could say I'm more on an educational level with painting right now.

The paintings I'm working on are in a collection called "The trials of shapes and colours"
Which basically sums up what I've been doing with art for the past year


I've been experimenting more with colours and cool shapes with different techniques/tools/mediums but not so much as summoning up my emotions and throwing it on a canvas.


This past year I have been happier than I ever have been before in my entire life so I think that comes out a little bit in the colours I use but again emotion isn't the focus it's about having fun and creating/experimenting to find who I am as an artist
I think I am slowly finding my style but I have a lot to learn and I'm so excited for my long journey in the art world.
