This is What I am Doing For 31 days #31DAYSEARLY

On Sep 4 , I put myself to a new challenge, it is one of the biggest life hacks I will ever try.

The challenge is fairly simple: waking up for 31 days consecutively at 4 30 a.m, A challenge I gave the name as #31daysearly. I am not at all used to waking up early (9 to 11 a.m almost every day), but this time, I wanted to change, before moving to the challenge I would like you to know - the stranger - that I have failed at this for gazillion times.

My idea is to share my progress with the world and try to change someone's life with positive reinforcement, I realized to do that I myself should be stringent with my routines and habits.

I initially choose to do the challenge only on workdays but I extended it to all 31 days, the internet and self-help gurus tell me that a habit is formed naturally only after 21 days, some say after 30, so with utmost safety and confidence, I chose 31 days LOL.

For me waking up early is far more important than anything else right now, I am doing this not only to establish my goal and see whether I succeeded or fail but to change the way I live, change the way I look at life in large.

for a long time now, I have known that I am not at all an early riser, the night owl is who I am, not long ago I came to conclusions that my life is all messed up, so are my sleep cycles , then I heard about how successful people wake up early, of which most of them are either billionaires or CEO's .

I spoke to myself, let's do this, if I cannot be a billionaire or Ceo now, at least Can I Replicate their Habits and feel the same?

This question can only be answered once I try out this challenge, so stay tuned.

I would like you steemians to join me in this process , let's start a chain, if you are an early riser just share what you learned waking up early, if you are sleep cycles are all messed up than take this challenge , if you have tried both please leave your valuable suggestions in the comments and help your fellow steemains

Make sure you include #31daysearly in your post.

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