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Walking My Dog - Again

The mornings are getting chillier and the sky a lot more interesting. The first Sacred Ibis and Sandpipers have arrived and the best part is I share the morning with no one .... only my beloved Bozo

As this is about walking the dog the first track must appropriately be a Pavlovs Dog number. If you enjoy the track you can read more about them here

Late November - Pavlovs Dog




I had to include the last photo below just for an excuse to include this song!! I had it blasting on my car stereo on the way to work. What a guitar maestro Robin Trower was

Long Misty Days - Robin Trower


Is one thing I love about Steemit and the little community that forms around one... not everything has to be serious. Steem on fellows and be mindful of the moment you are in.

All photo's taken this morning and butchered using Paint.Net .....
