Dr. TLK _ My 2018 Diary_ Feb 25th, 2018_ 40 days Divine Love and Healing Challenge

Dear all,

As I have been contemplating my life lately and reading books on spirituality and healing, I came across a spiritual chant or Shabad Gurbani written by Guru Ram Das. It is used as part of Kundalini Yoga teaching

This chant is called So Purkh.

How it is done?

This Shabad Gurbani is supposed to be chanted by women to enhance the masculine energy in their lives. It is said that If chanted 11 times/day for 40 days it will give the following benefits

Spiritual benefits of chanting So Purkh

1- Enhance the positive energy of the chanter.

2- Heal the chanter's wounds caused by men in her past and clear her masculine karma

3- If a woman chant it for specific men in her life, she will raise their spiritual energy and help them get over their difficulties

4- If a woman chant it for her difficult partner, their relationship will get better.

5- If a single woman chant it for the purpose of finding a partner, she will find divine love.

6- Some women started finding benefits after 7 days and continued to benefit until the 40th day. Some other tried it for longer periods to find their divine love (up to a year) and they did.

Personally, being a spiritual person, a curious person and having been a researcher, I planned on trying it. I have been chanting it for the past 2 days (23 Feb 2018). It is such a sweet chant and it makes me feel positive whenever I hear it.

Healing my past

One of my desires chanting this Shabad is to heal the hurt caused by men in my past (mainly my brothers and other men that I had relationships with).

As I have been contemplating lately about my life, I found that the trauma I experienced because of the way some of my brothers treated me and the way I saw them treat their wives, has affected me deeper than I thought it was possible.
I found that I can't feel safe around any man and so I was trying to find a man to feel safe with. This only led me to men that were looking safe from the outside, but were unsafe to be with in reality. I ended up attracting men who hurt me more and made me feel less safe to trust and open myself.

I am not even sure if I know how to have a normal relationship with a man. I seem to chase away those who are really nice and can't seem to feel at ease around any man that want to have a relationship with me.

It took me long to find these facts about myself. So, now I want to heal the past to be able to move forward to a happier and more peaceful future.

My experience after 2 Days of chanting

This morning I dreamt of my diseased father. He was standing in a very beautiful garden and was holding large air bubbles in his hand without them bursting out from his touch. Then suddenly a bird fell dead on the ground. My father knelt and picked the bird up then put it on top of the air bubble. The bird became alive and flew on top of the air bubble...

Will let you know how things go in the next 38 days 😁

You may want to believe in it or not. But imagine if each woman chanted this Shabad for the men in her life (past, present or future), how much we could change this world by healing it and raising its positive energy through divine love.
So, if you decided to follow your curiosity and try the challenge, find the link to the mp3 chant by Tera Naam. Also, don't forget to let me know your experience during this challenge 😁

So Purkh

The best chant I fond online is performed by Nirinjan Kaur. Here is a youtube link

Here is a link to the words in Gurmukhi (the original language) written in English letters and the English translation of the Shabad Gurbani


Final Notes:

1- I have written the pronunciation of this Shabad in Arabic letters. I find it easier to follow the complex pronunciation using Arabic letters than English letters. So, if you speak Arabic and want to try it, let me know 😊

2- It is so much fun to chant in a language different then our own. Makes me feel I could understand and connect with that language, teheheh 😁

...Till Next Episode!

Dr. The Leaping Koala 😊

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