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Second week on STEEM

Another week done and none the wiser.

Actually this is not true, I have learned a lot again.

I have always thought that I should try to do some blogging, if not for the purpose of having others reading it then for the hopes it could be something therapeutical and be plainly cheaper than a therapist. I have started some blogs in the past, but have never seen it through for more than a post or two or even ten. It's always easier to tell yourself another excuse why not to do it - not enough time; no ideas or just being truthful and knowing that I am too lazy for this. On top of that I have always been rather sceptical about having something personal permanently online. I do not need any of this to come and haunt me.

I am actually very bad with any kind of social media. I try, but get easily disheartened and distracted when I do not see results. Results on the other hand are very hard to measure and conceptualise. Conventional social media is oversaturated and quality content can easily get lost in the noise.

Being popular on Instagram is like being rich in Monopoly.

Photo by LuckyLife11

I wish I could find who's quote this is, it's brilliant. It sums social media up perfectly.

STEEM on the other hand seems to be something completely different. It still looks like an up and coming platform, but it is different. Let's put all the monetary benefits and aspects aside - it is the community here what makes you feel welcome and appreciated. The feedback I received to my last week's post First week on STEEM literally blew me away. I could have never even dreamed of it having such a reach and being featured on so many different posts by all these different amazing people.

Thank you all so much!

Photo by Courtney Hedger on Unsplash

I suppose it's the possibility for automation as well as the community governance what makes a platform to what it is. Rather than a one company making rules on how content is displayed and made, a community makes it grow and useful to everyone. It's like doing something for yourself vs. doing it for someone else. One always puts a lot more effort into something they directly benefit from. This is what makes collaboration such a perfect way of life.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

All this positive energy I have and continue receiving makes me want to be part of this community, contribute and keep it going. As I mentioned earlier I have ideas and I do want to express them. I am not planning to make this count-up on my time on STEEM into a series, I believe two posts is already one more than I initially envisioned. So stay tuned and let's see where my journey takes and what can I make of myself here.