The Truth About the Stereotypical Black Cat

It's all a big misunderstanding

Why do people lock their black cats inside on Halloween?  It all started around the time of the middle ages when black cats began to become associated with Satan, witchcraft, and witches themselves.  Yes, even today many people still get spooked on Halloween by these cute, furry, little animals; it’s so bad, that even during the entirety of the month of October, many animal shelters will keep the black cats they have locked up until the month is over.  This doesn’t bring inconvenience to many people, as most of these black cats won’t be adopted anyway by anybody and will never find their fur-ever homes. 

These cats actually help us!

While most people are scared of black cats, they actually are a very interesting type of cat.  In Japan, it is believed that single women with black cats will more commonly attract mates, and in the U.K. they are an ideal wedding gift to a bride as it is believed to bring luck and happiness.  Many black cats are actually used for studying how to create vaccines to common diseases in humans.  Researchers believe that the genes that make a cat’s coat black are the same genes that may offer them some protection from certain diseases.  Cats are perfect models for scientists to research these genes because cats often experience the same diseases as we do.  These reasons show that black cats are actually very amazing cats and that they are unfairly discriminated against during the spooky season. I believe that this issue is something that has to be put to a halt and that people should stop harassing and torturing these poor innocent animals. 

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Post created by Matthew

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