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When enough people are done with war...

I’m not someone who worships the soldier: “Thank you for your service to the military industry and the pocketbooks of the rulers and the criminal vultures who go in after war and pick up the spoils.” If you care for the soldier bring him home – make a decision – “No more war – I know what it is now.” Those trillions upon trillions of dollars – use them to clean up your own house.

We’re done with war – maybe that’s the woman’s voice – could be we’re speaking up. War is childish and the ones who engage it and consume its spoils are demented. A grown man will figure out how to communicate with another grown man. A grown man doesn’t steal, rape, pillage and enslave.

Tell the truth, admit wrongs, heal how you feel, make decisions with integrity, repair what has been harmed, and do it because you love life, you love your family, and you love yourself. We want a life-loving civilization and a legacy of nobility of spirit for our children. And by we I mean me and anybody else who loves how a seed grows into a flower. Consider the lilies of the field, as my mother would say.

Anyway, this video from Truthstream Media set me thinking about war and how done with it I am, and millions upon millions of others done with it too. But we battle against the image of war as a noble endeavor. Soldiers are just people who took on the role and the job in order to learn something or help their country. They are being damaged, committing suicide, not being cared for as vets, and I suspect they’re having an even harder time figuring out who the enemy really is. So basically none of us gains a ‘thing of good’ from war unless perhaps the yearning for peace.