Our Victory Over Death!


Our Victory Over Death!

John 11:25 -26 NIV “Jesus said to her (Martha), “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

1 Corinthians 15:54-57 NIV “When the perishable (decay) has been clothed with the imperishable (ageless), and the mortal (flesh) with immortality (deathless), then the saying that is written will come true: “Death (no life or power) has been swallowed up in victory.” “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Many today are afraid of death or they do not understand the purpose of death. The most common denominator of man is death. Death kills everybody, and it brings everyone to a common end. Death is a great equalizer of man, and it is the final solution. Also, death can feed off of us. So, when Jesus said, “our sins are forgiven,” we automatically qualify for the resurrection. (Dr. Myles Munroe) Thank God for the resurrection because it will change a man to immortal (deathless).

In First Corinthians, it speaks about mortal and immortal. Mortal means flesh. Immortal means the flesh is deathless. In a little while, we will have flesh that cannot die, when the resurrection is initiated. The mortal (us) will put on the immortality (deathless) at the resurrection (original body that is deathless) day. The worst thing death can do with a believer is to kill them because it gives them immortality. Jesus destroyed death to death. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life.” The resurrection proved that Jesus have never sinned because in order for us to die, deaths requirement is that it has to be our sins. The sin on Him, was our sins, not His. However, He took it on Himself to own our sins in His body as a scapegoat (one that bears the blame for others or substitute) for the Lamb (Jesus). Death is like a bee without a sting, and death was hanging around a man, called Jesus without sin. God made Him (Jesus) who had no sin, became sin for us, according to the word of God. Since our sins are in Jesus, we became alive in Christ and deathless to death. We are now immortal (deathless).

As long as we are alive death can threaten us because death’s power is sin. However, as long as we keep God’s words, death will be powerless over our life. Death has no power until we sin. We give life to death when we disobey the commands or principles of God. Death has no authority or power because Jesus went under the earth, took the three keys (death, Hell and the grave) from Satan, his clothes dropped, and showed his nakedness. That’s the reason Jesus made a public spectacle of the devil over by the cross. Jesus made a show of Satan’s nakedness. So, the wages of sin is death, and death is paid by Christ Jesus once and for all. The resurrection was for us. Death is now afraid of us. Death knows if we don’t sin, it cannot function or kill us. Death is afraid of a sinless life. Our protection is to be sinless and to be dead to sin, but alive in Christ! Now, death has no power! Today, humans have conquered death!

Finally, when Jesus rose from the dead, some of the graves were opened. Jesus have unlocked the grave, and some came back to life, according to the Bible. The power (death) that kept them (believers) there in the grave are now broken. The resurrection released Jesus body because it had no right to be dead. Jesus has the authority over death, Hell and the grave and He gave us the three keys (death, Hell and the grave). Today, death has no authority, no life or power over us! Praise the Lord in the Highest for the Resurrection Power!

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