A master of my own Dreams

Never let go of your dreams but also never let them rule you.

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What if I achieved my greatest desires at this moment. Definitely, a bright smile and gladsome joy will spring up but I won't stop dreaming.


The horizon of my visions will keep getting bigger and bigger and I'll keep running, faster and faster to the end of the infinite path, seeking and gaining more, never enough. With the thought "more joy and happiness as I acquire more". Well, what if I stopped, turned backward and recall the good things I left behind. Instead of my circle of love to grow, it shifted from the things I had to the things I wanted. My desires ruled over me and I became too dedicated to them.

Sometimes our current position might not be good as our expectations but we should endeavor to appreciate the moment. That's when we have true happiness. Never let your dreams and desires take away from you, what is in your grasp at this moment. With the thought that I get happier as a kept acquiring more, I never stopped chasing. But this isn't correct. Not every successful man is a happy man. I chased success and not happiness. Happiness is your gratitude for what you have and not getting more. Exhibit this and then you'll be a master of your dreams

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