I'm So Humble

Humility. It's a heck of a teacher. It makes men become real men and it tears mountains to rubble.

Whole week on drop in the ocean dedicated to it. I did this post during the show because how much humility means to me. I never write posts this fast.



I'm the best at being humble.

I am a peacock. Get that spotlight and turn that dial to 11. So bright I gotta wear shades.

Day to day I'm soft spoken. Don't even use my real name because I value my privacy. However on Steemit all eyes on me.
If there's a competion. Oh boy.
Act like the best and brightest with a touch like Midas. Trashtalker Skywalker (in a nice way I won't bring your mom into this, she's so nice).

Why not? There's only one of me and I'm pretty damn good at it.

My flaws is I'm terrible at listing all the things I'm good at.

It's not cocky if its true.

Own you flaws and you can be humble too.

See how many people don't realize this was tongue-in-cheek ;).

The man with the plan lacking a spray on tan, bigger nuclear arms than Iran. Posts hit like a frying pan. GIF Master, pastor of disaster, rhyme caster, bad dude blaster. No one does good lore faster. @battleaxe favorite just ask her.




My favorite movement on the blockchain by me, the great @battleaxe and other titans of good.


Smash that upvote button to stay entertained.
And to feed my ego... I mean my good force wutang juju wombo combo juices.

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