The Crap I Put Up with Because I’m a Girl in IT

 “Send Susanne to the meeting wearing a mini skirt, that will seal the deal.” I’ve been told stuff like this many times. Along with tons of blonde jokes and jokes about  women. Some of it is funny, I’ve got a sense of humor and I don’t take myself very seriously. 

I’m surrounded by men on a daily basis and I like that. I love my coworkers. We have a lot of fun, a very casual tone and lots of laughs. I find it easy to get along with men. But I’ve experienced some unwanted things while working in this industry. And yes, I’m a girl, not a woman. I don’t know how to adult yet. 

Thanks for teaching me
People I meet at tech seminars will sometimes mention stuff like: big data, UX, IOT or solar technology. And then they start mansplaining. As if there’s no way a girl can know this or be interested in technology. I just nod my head and say something like
“Thanks, bro!” 

Are you the receptionist?
When some people see the ID card around my neck and notice the name of the company, they ask me if I’m a receptionist there. Like that’s the only job a girl could have in that kind of company. If a male coworker and I go to a meeting with potential new clients, many of them will direct all their questions to him, and not to both of us.    

Here’s two situations that I find especially annoying:  

Situation one:

I was volunteering at the local library. They offered free help with computers and technical issues. I was the IT person that would help the visitors. I was the only volunteer and I walked over to a man that had waited for a minute or two.  

Me: “Hi there. Are you here for the computer help?”  

Man: “Yep. When is HE going to be here to help me?”  

Me: I don’t know what guy you’re waiting for, but I ‘m the volunteer and I’m here to help you. What seems to be the problem with your computer?”  

Man: “I’m not sure you know how to fix this though. It’s a real complex problem.”  

He looked at me with a disappointed look and he must’ve thought I was the guy’s secretary. To his surprise, I had fixed the computer within a few minutes. He didn’t thank me, he just walked away. Luckily, all the other people that showed up to get help were super sweet and thankful.

Woo-hoo! Look at me, winning an award at work - in spite of being a girl!! Luckily, my company doesn't mind that I'm a girl.

Situation two:

I posted some pictures of me and a friend, who’s also a girl, here on Steemit. The post wasn't about anything related to technology. One of the replies on the post was something like this:

“I love how completely non-tech people are using Steemit now. Welcome”

 This was a friendly and nice comment, he meant well. But it’s just funny that he's assuming that neither of us have a background from technology. I’ve been working as a system responsible in an IT company and spent my spare time fixing peoples computers. I work with digital marketing, I’m in the process of learning more about programming. I’m interested in crypto currency and I’m currently reading a book about solar energy. My friend is a web editor and she is very skilled on the old personal computer. Why would he just assume that my friend and I weren’t tech people? 

The post wasn't about technology, but would he write the same on a post where two boys went on a hike?
I’m sure he’d be surprised if he checked my browser history and found out this is my most visited website.   

I’m not a feminist.
I'm pro-equality.
I’m sick of being underestimated, just because I’m not a boy.

I met a male nurse that told me that a female patient said this to me: “Please send in a woman instead, they care more about patients and men are assholes.” Being an asshole or a non-tech person has nothing to do with your gender. It has to do with the way you’re raised and what you’re interested in.    

Here’s the song of the day, a Norwegian band this time.  

My next post will not be angry, I promise.
Peace out!  


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