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Well, we had a nice chat over on the SSG discord this morning and it would appear that @fat-elvis loves pie graphs XD (that's a "guess you had to be there" joke).

There were just a few folks there, @monsterjamgold, @welshstacker, @dfinney, @fat-elvis & @goldrooster. A couple other folks passed through but were too busty to chat.

So let's plan on Saturday for another chat.

The only problem I foresee is if there are too many people then it gets hard to hold a conversation with more than one person talking. I am going to try to talk with someone over on PALnet discord to see how to best handle this. Any suggestions are welcomed as well. I feel like @enginewitty might have some good suggestions on how to host a chat. The only thing I kind of want to avoid is making the chat into a "town hall" style meeting where one or two people talk while the others listen and text-chat. I am not worried though, whatever happens should be fun and I hope you can make it.

I have to say that sitting at the dinner table tonight and talking about the day with the fam it was fun to say I talked with a friend in Wales and another in Saskatchewan and another friend in England and one just up the road in Seattle. Everyone was quite interested and it led to a fun convo about other countries and friends and such so I just want to say THANKS to all who showed up!

And to the anyone who wanted to but couldn't, I hope to talk to you next weekend. :)