Even Adults Hate It When Their Friends Leave!

My family and I just moved to a new city - the city where I have been working since November 2017. We decided to move to decrease commuting costs and increase the amount of time we can spend together as a family.

I have met some great people at work, but my family hasn't shared those connections (at least not yet).



Last Night Was Game Night

One of my co-workers and his family came over last night for game night. We played the best game ever - Dominion.

Our kiddos got along well together. We had a great night of food and fellowship, but as is the case will all great nights, ours had to end.

As our guests left, my youngest looks up and me and says, "What is her name again?" (referencing my co-worker's daughter). After I said her name, my daughter says, "I love her."

My kiddo's sweet expression is both genuine and innocent. And if I were to be honest, there are times that I wish I would say the same thing to my friends. Because when they leave, I miss them deeply. I desire community so much that my heart aches a bit when I have to say "goodbye" to people I really care about. I don't like when my friends have to leave.

Canceled Plans

So it was going to be back-to-back days of friends and fellowship. But as is the case in life, plans change.

We received word that one of my best friends (the best man in my wedding) and his family would not be able to come over due to a stomach bug that attacked his family last night.

Again I felt like something was missing. My family had so looked forward to more interaction with friends that we felt a little hurt inside when it did not place.

Social Beings

I firmly believe that life is not supposed to be lived inside a bubble. I believe that we were made to interact with others, not only for our own personal growth but also for the benefit of others.

I see how I need my immediate family (my wife and kids), but my spheres of influence extend to a larger family network, a close collection of friends, acquaintances from work, other believers from my faith-community​y, etc.

I believe that I was made to be in relationship with other people, so

  • My heart aches when there are broken relationships.
  • I feel sad when I have to say goodbye.
  • I rejoice in the victories of others, and I weep when people hurt.
  • I long to find people who I can invest in and walk along side people who want to invest in me.
  • I desire genuine, authentic community life where I can just be myself.

Sometimes (even as an adult) I hate it when my friends have to leave!

This phenomena​ is not just an offline experience. Many of you have stood beside me (virtually) of the last year or so. You have walked along with me in some difficult times. And I thank each of you for that.

And some of you have been missing for the last few weeks (or months). I want you to know that I have noticed​ and that you have been missed. Because once you have experienced something genuine, a small piece of your heart and mind will not be the same when it goes missing.

Let's continue to build great relationships within the Steem community. Let's welcome our newest members so that they stick around. Let's show genuine interest in each other's lives both on and off the blockchain. Let's support each other so that we grow stronger​ as individuals and as a community.

Keep pressing forward. Keep Steeming!


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