Going Back To my home skating on clouds

During work days and studying days time is lagging by but when it comes to holidays the time just sweeps hastily. I arrived my hometown a week ago and days are rushing by. I can't even remember how did my days go and so fast its evening here. The climate is so soothing here and temperature doesn't exceed by 28 degrees. Ahh love this place. 

 When I was a kid I dreamt of walking on clouds and how it would be like the world from above. It feels great to see the world from above all those tiny houses the art made by the clouds the imaginations, nature is indeed beautiful. 

Time for take off

By the wings

What is that? A dog ? Scooby ? Who knows!


Can you see the shadow?

Landed finally

Off to home :)

Have a nice day Steemians :)

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