Question of the Day - To Live As 1st Class in 3rd World Country or 2nd Class Citizen in 1st World Country? [life][qod]

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1st in Hell or 2nd in Heaven?

Yesterday's Question of the Day on the Immigration and family separation issue seemed to be mostly answered with sympathetic leanings in favor of keeping immigrant families together while their immigration status is deliberated. Most comments seemed to consider the health of the children and the irreparable harm done when the children are kept from their parents and families.

Obviously there are no easy answers or solutions. In a perfect world one could say obey the laws, file proper paper work, wait your turn, and do everything the legal way, but alas this has been and still is quite an imperfect world. Yesterday's abuses and atrocities are todays daily societal problems. Such conditions has led to a humanitarian crisis throughout the world leading to the current immigration/refugee situation happening in many parts of the world.

During the comments in yesterday's QOD, one of the users stated that "there is a (political) side that wants open borders and to allow people to come here illegally and to be second class citizens and be subject to all the dehumanization that entails." Although I do not agree that there is a political agenda to make anyone a second class citizen or to purposely dehumanize people, I do agree that immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers will definitely endure more hardships than the average citizen including crime and abuse. This led me to come up with Today's Question of the Day.

Blue is 1st World, Red is 2nd World, and Green is 3rd World Countries


If you had a choice, would you rather live as a 1st Class Citizen in a 3rd World Country the likes of Venezuela, Nicaragua and Iraq or would you rather live as a 2nd class citizen in a country like the United States, Germany or Sweden and why or why not?

Full Steem Ahead!

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