Study Drugs!! "You have to be joking....right??"


I would like to share with you a conversation I had with a very good friend of mine yesterday who is studying in his last year at University and is hoping to take a Masters next year.

I have known this friend for about 5 years now and he is a very level headed, intelligent, smart, clever and conscientious individual who is always looking for guidance and often asks me for advice.

Over the weekend we were having a chat and he threw in a low ball question and asked me if I had ever taken drugs in the past whilst I was studying.

I thought he was winding me up and asked him to repeat the question.

This is a joke....right?

"Have you ever taken a Study Drug?".

Study Drugs!! "You have to be joking....right??" was my response. 

Then the discussion began.

At first I couldn't believe it so I asked him to explain actually what a Study Drug was.

He explained that at his University Campus approximately a third (30%) of university students are actually taking a Performance Enhancing Study Drug in some form or another.

It took me a while to actually understand the benefits and the whole concept behind it.

He explained it to me that it was not unusual for a student to cram as much learning in as they possible can in a short period of time by effectively boosting their learning capacity by taking this kind of drug.

Old School

I come from the old school having earned my stripes to be a member at the age of 50, with a great secondary education in a Grammar School, and are pretty much level headed.

I decided I wanted to do a little bit of investigating.

My findings were shocking and for anyone who has never heard of a Performance Enhancing Study Drug, it is very real.

When I did my digging I found that there was clear evidence that this is happening and for me it raised a simply question and that is where does Study Drug taking and Drug Testing come together.

Performance Enhancement Drugs

As we all know there is a huge issue surrounding Performance Enhancement Drugs for athletes at Olympic Games and other sporting events, including: running, swimming, cycling, football and all other activities.

Now these athletes are tested on a regular basis to find out whether they are taking Performance Enhancing Drugs.

As we all know these Performance Enhancing Drugs are frowned up in the sporting industry so why is Performance Enhancing Study Drugs not the same.


A simple question therefore must be raised and that is does a Performance Enhancing Study Drug give you the edge over a student that doesn't take them.

If it does give you the edge then surely it would push you to the top of the pile ahead of the one's who don't.

I was shocked, the more I dug into it the more question it raises..!!


One of the shocking parts of the discussion I had with my friend was that some students have debates as to whether taking these Performance Enhancing Study Drugs would land them better grades and thus a better chance of obtaining a higher paid job after University.

Apparently some students believe that the benefits out way the negatives and are willing to take a chance for no longer lasting side effects post University..!!


Studies prove that there is no proven side effects as of yet whether taking these Performance Enhancing Study Drugs have any long lasting side effects as the trials have been inconclusive.

I guess only time will tell therefore if this form of Studying is set to have long lasting consequences down the line and whether or not your brain does get bigger..!!

Thanks for reading


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