Relaxation method: "Truman's trench"


"Truman's Trench" is a simple relaxation solution, where each creates his own inner shelter where he can retreat mentally when he feels the need.

President Harry Truman has faced a particularly difficult war period, but he has faced a brighter one. Despite the multitude of problems, the presidential mandate did not aged and did not exhaust his energy. Asked by a reporter how he did this, Truman's answer was, "I have a trench in my mind." He explained that, as the soldiers were using the protective trenches, he was withdrawing from time to time in his own mental trench.

How do we create a mental trench?


Close your eyes and breathe deeply. View yourself in an ideal environment, any place you like, such as a forest, the sea, a mountain, a meadow, a cave or anywhere else. Create a living image of the shelter and imagine as much detail as possible. It may be a house with a fireplace, a seashore hut, a spacecraft in the Earth's orbit, or just a quiet place surrounded by a gentle light. This is your special place where you can go every time you are looking for peace, quiet or inspiration. This is because a state of relaxation is a good impetus for creative ideas.

PS:The soldiers are not just in the trenches, they venture into the open field, confronting their enemies and their fears. So do we: not to remain permanently in our mental trench, but to use it just to charge our batteries.

How does your trench look like?



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