How Do You Know What You Really Like To Do?


What do you like to do? For some people this is the simplest question, they were born with the answer to it. For others it is a very difficult question, and for others this question does not exist or is not taken into consideration.

The starting point in this endeavor, to find out what you would like to do is to ask this question as often as possible. Maybe the answer will not come from the first, maybe it will not come even after a few weeks, maybe even after a few months, but the subconscious (the subconscious occupies between 95% and 98% of our minds, and the remaining 2% -5% is busy conscious ) will work to find the right answer to this question.

Okay, you ask this question, but what are you doing next?

You can have more answers to this question. For example: I would like to work with people, I would like to travel and I would like to be a clothing or business activity or any field you feel attracted to.

You can find out what you really like just by experimenting and exploring. Today we have a variety of business areas from which you can choose a few that you think best suits you and you are looking for a job that suits your requirements and desires. Only by working effectively in the field and job can you find out if you like it or not.

It is very important to start loving what you do from where you are. Maybe you do not have the ideal job yet, you may feel like you want more, much more, but to get there you have to start acting and feel like you've already done. Think ... if you do not like the current job, but it's a solution to pay off your bills and you're willing to make this compromise until the job you want is two options you can do:

  • May you feel sick every day, hate your job, be unpopular, do not get involved, victimize and suffer every day
  • Either you go joyfully at work, do your job as much as you can, get involved as much as you can, be enthusiastic, cheerful and benevolent to everyone.

Option 1:

If you choose the first option, your condition will soon be printed, it will become your way of being, you will become dependent on the substances your brain secretes, the stress hormones, and in this way you will attract similar situations in your life, and thus how can you ever get into a state of fulfillment and creation if you choose to live in a state of struggle and survival?

Option 2:

If you choose the option 2, you will feel good every day, your brain will secrete dopamine and endorphins, and you will be well off. And in this state of well-being you will find the energy you need to create your future the way you want. New ideas will come to you, you will have more energy to learn and study new knowledge about the field that you are passionate about, and you will soon find the right job because of your attitude. So your choice belongs to you. It is not easy and requires a daily effort to create a joy, motivation, and workflow even if you do not really like what you are doing, but there are no shortcuts.

And last but not least, even when you find the job that fulfills you, it brings you joy and satisfaction, things do not stop in place, you do not stop in place, but on the contrary you start to want more and more in the process of evolution you start to want new activities because you are in a constant state of creativity. Ideal job is not something static and is not a place where you can find your safety forever, it is a constantly changing place that always causes you to overcome your limits.

And so the question arises:

What would I like to do next?

I conclude by recalling the four steps:

  • Frequently Ask: "What would I really like to do? What would bring me joy and professional fulfillment? "
  • Experience and explore.
  • It starts from where you are. Enjoy the job you have and treat it as if it were the ideal job.
  • Never stop.

What would you like to do really?


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