Ways to improve immunity 😊😊😊

For what good immunity is needed is known to everyone, namely, in order to just feel great. Recently, everyone is well aware that the most terrible and bad diseases are cancer and HIV, are directly related to human immunity - the defects of the entire immune system.

In order to obtain a general real picture of the real state of human immunity, it will be necessary to submit tests (for the so-called immune status, to investigate the microflora, to interferons), which allow us to quickly reveal the weakest link in the human immune system.


But, of course, you can also determine for yourself that your immunity is actually reduced:

1 there is a constant dullness, fast fatigue, there is insomnia;

2 there is an ache in the joints and human muscles, there are different problems with the gums;

3 appeared furuncles (most often on the priest and back), there is herpes on the lips, barley, thrush, etc.

4 there are often cold and infectious diseases: tonsillitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis, etc.

5 is treated with antibiotics, various antifungal drugs, hormones are used, a previous operation was performed, there was a serious illness or serious poisoning.


Of course, if there are such signs, then it is necessary to take urgent measures. Immunity is a rather complex system and there is no special universal way to actually increase it - not yet. Therefore, a special complex effect called immunocorrection is needed.

What significantly reduces human immunity is a common lack of sleep, with a special painful awakening and the usual frequent overwork. We need to sleep and sleep every day as much as our body requires.

Also, we must abandon bad food: fast foods, soups from different packages, juices made from concentrates, ordinary instant coffee, various sausages, semi-finished products, etc. should eat natural vegetables, fruits, walnuts, porridges, etc. It is not at all superfluous to arrange long walks in the fresh fresh air, at least one hour to spend in the air every day.


You should also bring into your life any of the modern types of healthy activity, for example - swimming, aerobics, yoga, sauna, jogging in the morning, contrast shower, jumping along with a rope, etc.

It is very important simply not to be limited to one of the different ways to increase the overall immunity, but you need to combine them with each other. Then a positive result will soon appear.
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