Why Does Poverty Exist?

In the last 25 years the Top 1% has made more money than the Bottom 50%

100% of SBD earned from this post will be Donated to a Charity, Group or Cause that is Committed to Resolving World Poverty.

8 Men Have the Same Wealth as 50% of the Worlds Population!

The World’s 10 Largest Corporations Generate More Revenue than the Governments of 180 Countries Combined! There are only 194 Countries in the World!

Please Help Me Donate my SBD to the Poor by Upvoting, Sharing & Re-Steeming this Post!


Thank you getting behind the first post in this series - It’s Time to Build a Society that Benefits Everyone - Not Just the Privileged Few!

The Steemit community once again stepped up to the plate.

Why Poverty?


How long is a piece of string?

This list is far from conclusive.

I am only going to focus on the core issues for now because all of other issues lead back to these core issues. Let's not beat around the bush!

  • Central Banks Control Money Creation & Supply
  • Foundations, Billionaires and Secret Societies Use this Money to Control Corporations
  • Corporations Control Governments/Nations & Politicians
  • Politicians Pass Legislation that the Central Bankers Want Passed
  • Governments Control the People

Understandning These 5 Points is 1st Base!

To be honest - it goes much deeper than this but let's save that for another day!
I intend to delve deeper into the reasons behind economic inequality and poverty in future posts, as well as offering solutions. I still have quite a bit of research to do on this topic - so please share what you know with me (and everyone else) in the comments section below and let's work together and try to fix this mess.
I re-iterate, and promise you, that all SBD raised from this series will go towards helping the less fortunate and that I will post my donation and share it with you after I have made it. Upvote and share with confidence - I stake my reputation on it!

Love, Peace & Truth


Related Posts:

  1. It’s Time to Build a Society that Benefits Everyone - Not Just the Privileged Few!
  2. Charles Feeney - The Billionaire That Secretly Gave Away His Entire $8 Billion Fortune Away in 34 Years – True Story

Source: Oxfam - An Economy for the 99%

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