Restitution in everyday life.

Have you ever woke up in the morning and next thing that come in your head is "was my reactions yesterday right? ", "did I behave well or so bad"?, "how possibly good or bad was I been perceived"?

If yes! then you have less work to do that day. You will need to get your diary or your notepad, begin to jot down how you want your day to look like? How can you improve on the previous day? To whom do you need to make it up?

If no! You will need to first go on your kneel, say your prayer to repossess your lost mind. An average human had hurt 10 people unknowingly in day while helping 2 people. You wonder what a statistics it is? Hmm it's no hype. There is an average of two persons who desires same as you. You're also likely to go on ego trip at least twice in a day. So if you would add them up, for every two persons you may approve of, you had unknowingly and unjustly hurt eight people, either due to state that you misunderstood them or directly and falsely deprived them of what is due for them.

You may be unwilling to treat them that way but because of your ego trip, delusion or illusion you held back their right. A times, the body does not have a choice but to agree to the demand of the mind, hence conflict of interest with a negatively resultant effects on other people. You hurt them.

A normal human shouldn't have rest of mind if he did something awkward. But if otherwise, then it becomes a question "is he/she really a human"?

A condemnation in the heart when one commits a wrong is an indication of healthy state of mind.

Make up for your wrongs today.

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