Changing the world starts from you.

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You are worthy.When you raise your consciousness ; automatically you shift into a parallel reality.When you shift to a higher level of consciousness you give people a new choice,so that they can also elevate to a higher level of consciousness.You also create a wave of change in the ocean of earth's collective consciousness by changing from within.People get their inspiration by simply observing & learning from you.Also you influence their subconscious mind by tuning into your own new state of being.

So remember this :

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Some easy ways to raise & integrate your consciousness up:

1)Daily meditation,practicing silence & feeling mother nature.Silence heals you & give you the sense of inner-aliveness.

2)Integrate your body,mind & spirit. In other word find harmony between your emotions,thoughts & feelings.

3)Love & forgive yourself & others.Remember true love is always unconditional.(for example:love from mother nature to us)

4)Realizing the significance & beauty of life.And also realizing who you really are beyond name,concept and form.

5)More plant based & alkaline diet.

6)Take baby steps at first.Spend more time for yourself & your own heart-felt passions & excitement.

Remember this one thing finally:

Silence & unconditional love are deeply related to each other.One leads to the another.When you practice real silence,that leads you to unconditional-love as your own essence.Similarly when you love yourself & others unconditionally;that generates peace of mind.

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