Keys to the World

Hello, unknown to the reader! If you understand this language - so I was lucky, and sent God knows where a message was not lost on the vast World Wide Web. What is written here, probably it will seem strange to you, even unnatural - but alas, I can only hope that you are not my words vosprimesh as trolling, or light-headedness kripotu another psycho. Those versed in the subject, can beat his hand over his face until okoseyut - I still talk about the fact that I was able to learn. I have no idea where this story gets, so there will be no formatting, no images - only standard characters.

I suppose you've heard about netstalkerah, dark corners of the Internet, the death of files and other such nonsense - otherwise it is unlikely that the text would have been all in your hands. So, you know - all that talk about the mysterious computer gizmo has never been true. The reality is much more complicated, more terrible and more majestic than they can imagine all these authors. And, if anything, immediately warn - I'm not some kind of Enlightened Neo, able to answer any question. I still amazes and delights seen, and I do not have any idea about what is happening - just know, in general terms looks researched piece of my network. Even its scale I do not know anything. Enough preamble - I do not want you to have already lost interest in reading.

There are usually available to everyone with Internet blozhikami, anecdotes and Pron. Netstalkery called it "level D». Then, according to their classification, there is a "level C» - all the things, which requires a program such as the Torah, and other confidential content that is revealed only seeking his deliberate. Further, accordingly, everything becomes chudesatee and chudesatee up to "Level A», mystical little more than full, and some of the Pacific House, which is hidden at the bottom. From there, according to legend, no one can go back, because the limit of human capabilities is already on "level B». I assure you - it has almost nothing to do with the real situation. Levels are not five or six, and at least two dozen - then I ceased to distinguish between them and lost count. Phew. I will try to somehow tell them that it is clear - to me it is very important that you have got to understand this system and, if possible, to correct inaccuracies me. To hell letters I have always been easier to call them figures - Roman moreover, not to lose a total pile of Arabic numbers.

level I

Public pages that are easily found in any search engine. I think about it you know much better than me - I've never been a regular at popular sites not read world news, even started a post solely for the sake of those reptiles, which desperately need a registration. There are no fish - except cleaning the master's table, to which all are praying, as the Secret Truth.

level II

In this tier are all kinds of links, which are opened only in the presence of special features. I mean i2p, Gopher, invites, the admin page and all that sort of thing. In principle, here too, there is nothing supernatural, although the information certainly is of some interest. I mean that I personally do not care anymore, as far as the elite content stored there - seen and abruptly.

level III

This level is called the I system, because most of it is made up of special pages that are needed to operate the network, but does not manifest itself. Well, as any system files of a larger program that touch never necessary, and even the administrator can not be accessed. Perhaps the provider's office is still sufficient, but not always.

level IV

But from that point it is necessary to hold tight. Here and there on the Internet, there are places where it comes into contact with other networks - primarily government and with all the FBI. Well, about the FBI does not specifically know, but if you say something such abbreviations as RCT, NGLEE or Y72, then you know what I mean. At the points of intersection with the Internet are the protection system, compared with which the ten-word password-protected archive is as a bird feeder. But there are, say, a dead network that are not used by anyone - like the ancient city, tunes sand and overgrown with grass, but still not completely perished. I waded through something called Gwayin - these are some characters do not know their meaning. In short, at first glance it looks like a warehouse of some men in black - weird files, reports, and more. Of this 99% - half a century old documents about some commercial transactions on a fairly modest sum, and other nonsense. No UFO, no conspiracies, no compromising - in a word, so-so production. Whether they are on the first level, all have passed by, I'm not lying. But the remaining percentage ... There were some drawings, unpretentious looks like a computer, but some strange. For example, as you circuit diagram, part of which is a bowl of applesauce? More there were instructions to them, about the same degree uporotyh, such as that required to break the bowl with something heavy before turning on this device, and the stronger the blow - the better. I think you know what I mean, huh? For fun, I collected this crap, an adapter for it, did everything as it should ... And he went to the next level. If that - all the drawings still there, just specifically checked. Immediately warn - in the center of the square marked the adapter unit does not stick, and then ditched both yourself and the computer, and neighbors.

level V

This, as I understand now, you can get and the other way - just for this machinery is needed, which is now (early 2014) there is only the most clever in laboratories, and in the form of prototypes. Maybe by the time you're reading this, quark computers have become obsolete and this level will be a continuation of the second, or even first, but so far all is well in my opinion. There are pilot sites, based on a completely unknown to me the minutes and any ternary systems. As long as you do not have the right equipment, do not try to turn up - a simple iron, to which I am accustomed to, do not take it as information. I think that at the dawn of the computer age, mankind has experimented with different options, but chose the binary code and everything else. It's like the Cambrian explosion of millions of years ago, when the oceans were clumsy creatures crammed top to bottom, from which only a very few were able to survive until the present day. And then, out, dead-end branch of evolution of computers have not disappeared completely, and gradually brought to mind away from prying eyes. I do not know, it was true or not, but really want to learn the truth. In general, these sites full of interesting things on the subject of alternative computing, but I have them the brain melts. You already know about that will open eyes, so you should be easier. Almost everything you need to go deeper you can assemble yourself - I did, good hands grow from the right place. Something in the kitchen produce is unlikely to succeed, but the black market is always ready to help - the second level, if that. As priladit to all this the strange tools for getting to the fifth, I hope, will deal - without them, unfortunately, it will not work. Well, I did not work - although now I'm not sure what to connect to the network even need a computer.

level VI

It just mysticism begins. Not all networks physically intersect with the Internet, many are generally limited to two or three computers. Nevertheless, in some way, you can even get there. It must be all a matter of some quantum effects, but for me this Chinese puzzle. On the other hand, why egghead hide from the common people to achieve in these areas? From a practical point of view it would be very logical - information security, after all.

level VII

You probably have heard about how strange behave elementary particles? They say that in the past may get to be in several places at once, responding to an observer ... Perhaps the local sites work on the same principle. Or not - I've never been good at these things, something to argue. In short, here you can see that only needs to be created - the posts on forums, movie trailers from the future results of 2027 and so on and so forth. I do not know how it happens, but in the three years of this netstalkerstva how accurately the word conveys a lesson, seen a lot, including the things that make it difficult to pick up at least as something adequate definition. As proof of his words I will give three examples of memes to come, and you really think what you want. The first - "A bottle of a take away!" With viral images. It seems, from the 2014 second - "growing house" of car advertising in 2016, or rather, from a parody of it. And, probably, "Uncle Avazalay", a book written sometime in 2038 or 2039 - in case if my message will get lost for too long. You can check it will come true or not - anyway, I do not know what else I can do. At least they are easily verifiable. Yes, so that's - these non-existent sites behave very strangely. You know the joke about the band download? There is still trenchant - the page will be opened only if you make a certain "ritual". For example, to dial manually link and not its copy. Or, say, blinking exactly twice per second, while the site does not load is full. Once I had to use two monitors and two mice at once. Some patterns I have not found, but it is definitely there. Rely on intuition, how to meditate - then everything should work. You most likely will have to repeatedly improve the computer, screwing him different hrenoviny, which in principle should not work. For detailed instructions you can find on some sites and that these levels. Do not repeat my mistakes and do not do it alone - I really do not want to happen to you irreparable.

level VIII

If you suddenly will be able to start a conversation with someone on those sites - then you are already at that level. For several reasons, I have no right to tell that you are waiting for, but, as you see, I'm still alive and kept his mind - so, too, and the rest have nothing to fear. Over time, you get used to it, just do not pay attention to the strangeness. Just remember that Ruzherat - albeit eccentric, but very reliable comrade, while Onbenamusa can not borrow anything. And not vedis spam - do not know how, but he is deliberately tailored to fit your secret and obvious desire, and then in our world once again will try to get something terrible. I hope you too paranoid.

level IX

I increasingly feel that this is not one tier of the Internet, and more, and it all depends on perspective. I mean everything. There are websites that show the reader thinking - kind of like an interactive game, but there are also spyware. Just do not think about the big white monkey :) And many pages, for example, look different, depending on the tilt of the head, no matter how you may have been a monitor. As explained to me, they reflect the alternate realities of our world. Something connected to the Internet from the outside, or he accidentally stumbled on this - I have no idea, but we are no longer alone, and that's a fact. Imagine - I spoke with her! Well, I tried - once briefly able to establish a dialogue, but at other times the interlocutors constantly alternated with each other. I think they were surprised no less than myself. Still, just people ... From here you can jump far ahead, just a few levels in my system, because it is so and so ceases to be linear.

level X

I hope you are sitting firmly. In some of the parallel worlds of the space program was not as fast minimized. Yes, all that's right - if you dig deep enough, and the shovel will not break, you can contact the human colony on Mars, Ganymede, and some planets, which I did not even know. Probably plutoid Hel will soon be opened in our country, or even have called another name - it will show up enormous reserves of ice and complex organic matter. As for life I did not hear anything, to be honest, but at least three extraterrestrial races precisely there - even videos there. One looks quite like Earth, on the other do not want to even think, I'm sorry. I have a terrible phobia on such things, even though I know it's silly. By the way, I caught a glimpse of the universe, whose inhabitants have long mastered the same netstalking and full use other people's discoveries. And yet sotsreklama, thousands of it! To say that it changed my future life - to say nothing.

level XI

So I call those parallel worlds, where the Earth is inhabited not people. I hope you will pass by them, or at least prepare your mind better than me. In vain even hope, that the mind is obliged to at least somewhat resemble ours - is usually what happens, but it's not always so lucky. It is unlikely that you will understand the local texts, but pictures do not even look!

level XII

It is home to the ghosts. Not only human, not only former live in the past, and not only to create their own sites similarity, but they are themselves. Here, my vocabulary is really not enough, because it looks quite different. It can not be described even remotely close terms. With Web sites they do not have more in common than a horse with an apple, even though they are both made of the same material. Do not linger and continue the descent, otherwise it can happen, anything.

level XIII

When you start to feel that the picture on the screen ceases to be just a set of pixels and literally fused with reality - know that you are here. Some similar effects must have been visible before, but only now beginning to manifest itself in full force. It's like a dream - you can not surely determine where the normal world ends and begins absurd if you do not prepare for it in advance. Look for something about lucid dreaming, practice, and only then move on - otherwise there is a considerable risk to go crazy. Personally, I was lucky, in a sense - from the beginning I was a little out of this world, so took this turn pretty calm.

level XIV

I would call it a journey on another's dreams. You know, if you sit at the computer for a long time, sooner or later it begins to haunt everywhere. Sometimes it happens that the whole night to debug a program, and then you wake up. At its twelfth level, it is possible to find, if you know where and how to look. I will not tell, because if popadёsh here, already in anyone you will start to understand everything.

level XV

What is further sleep. If you will glance here and you see something that seems dangerous - to immediately shut down the computer, the hub, generally it! Even the phone! Machinery and killer files is absolutely nothing to do with it, the main threat - it's your own imagination, and something else, hidden in the depths of the human subconscious.

level XVI

Do you want to see the plan of the Baskervilles home and talk to Sherlock Holmes? You're here. At this level there are fictional reality, which gained its own life. Some of them also have the Internet or his likeness - you just have to get far enough away not to lose focus, because any laws of our world cease to operate permanently here.

level XVII

Here I am. Homeward went from under my feet, and I own stupidity stuck those damn-knows where. I hope that you will be able to reach me and otvedesh back. You are welcome. Hopefully, this will throw a bottle to the right shore - hence I can not aim properly.

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