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So, I met a woman who's attitude was like that of a fox. So sly and cunning that I couldn't quite comprehend. You know the moment when you meet someone you can connect to in the first instance but, there's always a but to this kind of story. A lady as gorgeous as the night, so dark that her beauty only shines at night only with the help of the stars. Who can fight with her when she's got a temper as fierce as that of a lion? Nobody obviously.
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For every good there is a bad and likewise, and her fierceness which is scary helps in time of adversity. One face is just smiles and the other, filled with sorrow so large that it has become anger, pride so high and determination so wild. A very kind and generous soul she is but very exceptional too, very different, but her two faced personality set her aside from her peers. People get scared as they come in contact with her especially if they know who she is. Tales have been told to little children mostly to scare them but I think one shouldn't be judged in such a way. There may have been difficulties and issues that have arose but then, she's like a lion who helps people, a different kind of lion. I tried to put this in words but this is the best I can do. This is how far I can go. This is how long I can explain.