How to trick your mind - Chapter 9

Everyone who is following my blog know the series How to trick your mind. It´s about finding simple ways how to trick your mind in order to live a happier, more powerful and relaxed life. Since I am a big fan of illusions, I decided to write a post about optical illusions and how they try to trick your mind!

Optical illusions can affect almost all aspects of seeing. There are depth illusions, color illusions, motion illusions and a few more. In all these cases, the visual system seems to make false assumptions about the nature of the vision, as can be shown by the use of other senses or by removing the factors that trigger it. I personally love the challenge to find the truth behind all those illusions. I want to begin with a very popular illusion and the funny story behind this is, that I asked my family what color the dress had and everyone was answering "gold and white" although this dress showed a bright blue with black stripes in my opinion. This was the trigger for me to do a little research and show you some other optical illusions as well....

The dress

One year ago Buzzfeed posted a picture that went viral around the world. So many people were arguing about the colors of this popular dress. Some maintained that the dress is white and gold but others argued that the dress is actually black and blue. I read a funny story about this special dress...

The 21-year old Caitlin McNeill postet a picture of the dress a year ago. Her friend was getting married and the brides mother was sending this picture to show what she was wearing at the wedding but when the bride showed the picture to her fiancé, he truly disagreed in the colors. She saw white and gold but he saw black and blue. To make sure what the true color of this dress was, Caitlin McNeill posted the photo on Tumblr. and it went viral. What colors do you see ?

I see clear black and blue colors. There is no way to see something similar like white and gold. The manufacture confirmed that this dress is actually black & blue but white & gold was never available...


The woman 

Now I want you to look 15 seconds to the point of her nose and after the time is over, look to the right and blink a few times... What do you see ? 


Dirty mind ?

This is a great task to test if you have a dirty mind or not. Before I´ll give you the answer, look at those pictures and tell me in the comments what you think. Do not cheat!

Did you think about the lower body of women? This picture actually shows flowers blowing in the wind.... Next one 

To be honest with you, it took me quite some time to realize that its not just a womans body. 

In fact, these are just two men dancing around ....



Last but not least, the nature illusion. I am pretty sure that most of my readers see a beautiful lake besides a huge forest, am I right ?

The lake you see above is actually just a simple wall. 


Move your head 

Now move your head back and forth to see the colors change size.


Spot the number 

Can you spot the 8 ? And how long did you take, let me know


Writing this post was so cool because optical illusions are always interesting and a lot of fun! What illusions do you know about?

Here are my last episodes of How to trick your mind 

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Thanks for reading 

Stay focused

Love, Soldier 

*Disclaimer - Pictures taken from 

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