How to trick your mind - Chapter 10

I haven´t done a "How to trick your mind" episode in a while, that´s why I thought this would be a great time to introduce all my new follower to this series. 

How to trick your mind is a series created by myself to show you simple ways how to really "trick" your mind in living healthier, being happier, feeling motivated and stuff like that. I know life can be hard sometimes and we often do not have enough time to focus on the real important things in life. These tips will help you to think different, use your time effective, feeling happier and more positive to live a healthier life. I have written down 9 chapter with different topics which I will link below for everyone who´s interested. 

Alright, since everyone is now introduced to this series we can start with the actual theme which is M O T I V A T I O N.

I meet so many people who dont feel motivated at all. Laying lazy in bed, having trouble with paying bills, aren´t going to the gym and forgetting about their health and so on. Motivation is a major factor in living a happier life. I have found an appropriate quote from Steven Pressfield which describes the situation of being unmotivated very well. 

At some point, the pain of not doing it becomes greater than the pain of doing it. - Steven Pressfield 

Please think about this a little longer than usual. Doing stuff, working for your dreams, decrease weight and improving your skills isnt always the easiest thing. It is tough to keep going even if it would feel better to stay in bed and watch some favorite movies instead of getting up early in the morning and working for your dreams. But as Steven Pressfield already said, you will get to some point where the pain of NOT doing it becomes greater than the pain OF doing it, which is so true. You are going to see people overtaking you and your skills, you are going to miss different opportunities and at some point, you only want to give up because it would be to exhausting to catch up. 

Before I start with different tips to get and stay motivated, I want to tell you that it´s never too late to start and when you´re ready to start, start immediately! There are no postpone and no excuses. 

Insert a daily review into your life 

I have learned that doing mini-review on your day will help you to have a successful, having a purpose and having no time to think about negativity. I want you to give yourself 5 minutes after you woke up and start planing your day. Think about what needs to be done, what tasks do you want to do and maybe also what kind of sports or diet you want to perform. If you keep yourself in mind what things you need to do for the day, there wouldnt be any time to get unmotivated or to think negative. 

Taking small breaks - refocusing 

Another great way to stay motivated is to do small breaks throughout the day. These dont need to be long breaks, sometimes just 10-15 minutes would be great to refocusing on your goal and what you want to achieve for the day. 

Become mindful

Reviewing and taking breaks throughout the day are good way to stay motivated. But there is another thing which is very useful. Become mindful! Being mindful is the key to doing the work that you are supposed to be doing. We have so many influences that try to distract us. This is how we get unfocused and this is also the moment where we start getting unmotivated too! But if we focus on being mindful, there is no way to disturb us in what we are doing!

Go for five 

The start is often the hardest. I can tell you, you will find plenty other things you could do at this time but they are not worth it! Maybe its fun or relaxing but keep in mind that you have a goal which you want to achieve very soon. My tip is to start working on that certain task for 5 minutes. Often this little push will be enough to get you going!


There are so many things we would rather do than working on our goal. It is sometimes just exhausting, taking too long or you´re just lazy to get started. I want you to analyze the problem. I want you to make sure of what distracts you and try to be stronger than your craving to leisure activities. 

I dont want to write down too much because this is already enough information for your brain! Now you need to implement the tips that I wrote down and work on your motivation. One little thing I still want to mention is music! Whatever I do ( working, programming, sports etc.) I put on a suitable sound and my mood is already how I want it to be! 

The Way Get Started Is To Quit Talking And Begin Doing. -Walt Disney

The Pessimist Sees Difficulty In Every Opportunity. The Optimist Sees The Opportunity In Every Difficulty. -Winston Churchil

Thanks for reading!

Let me know if you have any questions about this topic. 

Stay focused

Love, Soldier 

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