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Taking steps...

Revoked access to all apps that had permissions on my account, the main one that will "hurt" is,and that's OK.

For a long time I put faith in others running services to trail and utilize my upvotes... But, I think it's time to move to an in-house solution.. so,... I'm gonna take all of @rishi556's work, and mix in some extra magic, and in 3 years start my own upvote system. Cuz I'm lazy slow to work and manual definitely isn't for me...

But sn0n, you said 3 years?!?!?

Yup, that's right! Ideally, it'd be more like 3 weeks, but I know my ability to pack projects on top of projects and prioritize the ones that aren't beneficial.. so.. 3 years! Rough estimate.

I have many other things to work on, like and it's main 2 projects, and, all of which need much more love. On top of that I need to be a bit more active with our hive witness @hextech (vote hextech if you haven't, we have magic cookies!!) and a whole slew of other projects I have lined up, like making use of @blokz and the SELF token I started on hive-engine for blokz users. As well as an eventual RPG for blokz, with a very plain style. Have some lofty app dev goals as well, like a IM client with built-in wallet. A personal library idea I've played with.. I could go on and on about ideas I've been accumulating and not having the "spoons" as they say to focus on them... Having 2 babies under 5 along with a wife and girlfriend (polyamorous life makes for hard time-management), and on top of all that, which tbh isn't too much... I have this pair of "mental disorders", ADHD and bi-polar.. so,... Things are fun. A string of illnesses and a move (migrating the living arrangements about an hour away) that's been on hold for months and extra slowing everything down...

Oh, and I love playing games a bit too much also... But that's for medication. Supplemented with a healthy dose of #420 things.. which actually makes me pretty productive when I go hard on consumption, but I've acknowledged my consumption dysfunction as something else and have cut back on the weed tings, a lot.

Another thing I've been playing with is how many of my eggs i want to remain on the hive space... Currently it's around... 99% of my hodling, I'd like to bring that down to around 30-40% and start looking at other complimentary blockchains. I do have a lot of faith in hive, don't get me wrong, but I haven't been holding btc or ltc like I told myself I would, along with a few others I have faith in or just like,.. (cro) which is killing it... Along with lisk (lsk), and quite a few others.

Anyways, I'm rambling, and I'm just gonna leave it there...