Six reasons for crying baby And how to calm it down !!!


Haunt many mothers Modern Motherhood Anxiety and puzzlement On crying babies in the first months They can not figure out the reason for this constant crying They can not distinguish between its forms. Crying baby to communicate with you, this is the only way Which can alert you to the need for food or sleep or change the diaper or feeling pain, But how does the mother know the reason for crying ?!
If you want to interpret your baby's crying, You can listen carefully to the tones of his voice during crying. Studies on child care and health have confirmed that crying is a type of child, And each method of them distinguished from the other, So a little diligence You can translate the mother crying and therefore knowledge is caused by And you can respond to what the child asks or wants.

Types of crying baby:


1 - crying because of hunger

Issued a crying baby sounds high And be on the tone of "Nyijih .. Nyaye" With some movements that refer to his hunger Such as sucking the finger or moving your hands violently towards the mouth. Because your baby's stomach is small can not absorb a large amount of milk, And always enough in small quantities to feel hungry after a short time and express it crying.When you breastfeed it will calm down when your stomach starts to fill If he continued to cry, it may be because of one of the other reasons mentioned below. It is essential that you respond to your child's crying quickly before you can scream And before he could get into other trouble because of crying.


2 - crying because of the need to sleep:

The child shall cry intermittently and be on the tone "Aaaaah ... Aaaaaoo" Accompanied by yawning and you will find it rubbed in his eyes and his mouth becomes circular.This is because the baby can not sleep alone But he needs the help of his mother, who calms him and reassures him.In this case you can move it or shake for some time or perform some sounds Which gets used to hear before sleep Or to give him a lollipop And then attach it to your chest until you feel safe and containment and go to sleep.


3 - Crying because of the need to massage his back

The child releases simple, intermittent sounds on a tone "IEEE .. Eweier" These sounds may occur after lactation Indicates the need for the baby to massage his back
As a result of filling the stomach with air. You can massage the back by carrying it on your shoulder and bumping it slightly Or make him sleep on his stomach.


4 - Crying because of colic

In which the child sounds sharp and high on the tone of "Ieyer ... Iyig"It is the most painful crying for a child,It may be sporadic according to colic episodes,The child moves his feet very much. It can be the result of leaving the child crying For a long time because of his hunger, Which led to his injury Gas after breastfeeding.You can make sure you massage it on the back well Do massage circularly on his stomach,If this is not possible, consult your doctor.


5 - crying due to discomfort

The child sounds intermittent sounds at the pace of "Heiyeh. Heiyeh" Moving with his feet and his hands a lot.This may be due to fatigue Because of the diaper is full, In this case you must quickly change it, Or cry because of wearing a lot of clothes that hinder movement or feel hot or cold, Here, make sure that wearing clothes fit the air condition.


6 - Crying because of illness or for an unknown reason

The child releases a strange pattern of continuous crying It differs from other usual crying sounds,It may calm down a little and then quickly return to it, it may be because of the child's illness,You can confirm this by measuring the temperature or observing the method of breastfeeding,Whether it is different from the above or not, or note the shape and density of the stool,If you are sure of these signs, you should consult your doctor.


Do not worry my dear newborn mother,With the passage of days and the more strengthened your relationship of your child,You will be more able to recognize your child's crying patterns And you have the ability to anticipate his needs and achieve what he wants.See also: Know why your child cries out of his voice

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