Use money to make our-self better not to satisfies our-self

You will see may people like goats, You will see many people in this world how do smart work who don't have word hard-work in their dictionary and You will see people doing hard-work. Hard-work, hard-work, hard-work. An auto man does very hard work. From childhood we all are hearing that without hard work we will not get any thing and we are stick with that word "hard work".


When this condition of doing hard work will change, we will be able to see new ways. We have to change our thinking. There are two types of think, rich man thinking and other is poor man thinking. The way your thinking will be, change will take place as your thinking. We should think like a rich man, what he thinks that there are many ways of one problems. There are many genuine ways. We all just have to open our mind. And ask to our self that yes there are many genuine ways.

When we will start getting the way, we will find best for me. And that best way will lead us to earn wealth without any stress. This is not a big thing that we think work to get money this is not good for us. Now your mind will think of money instead of work.

You have started a work, if you will not get success for 2 month you will start crying. And if you will get some money, you will start spending it in any way. And then you will stick to that money. What was you goal ? Your goal was not to get excellence in that work, your goal was to earn money. So you have got money now ? Now what will you do ? You will spent it in any ways. You are not getting that your own greed. Most of people's desire is not making better to them self but to find shortcuts in their life. How we can get money without doing any thing just shortcuts.


Some of you will say that this way is not easy, we have to do lots of thing, we have to make better to our-self, we have to see this world with our open eyes, we have to put pressure on our mind. We have to know our strength very tough work, who will do this.

We have to use money to make our self better not to satisfies our self.

Thank You.

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