The Big 4-0!

My wife in Durham last night.

This last week was spent with friends, family and new colleagues in North Carolina. My original plan for the visit was to host an on-site writing retreat with a friend, but life and COVID conspired against us. The goal was for me to begin establishing myself with the community my wife and I intended to join. Instead, I found a job, met with my new boss, found a home, learned the area and am now headed back to Indiana to pack and relocate.

Saturday is my 40th birthday. Years ago I promised myself that 40 was going to be the year I finally did what I want. And it’s happening! I was hired for my writing skills into a job that offers me a chance to grow in realty (which I enjoy far more than I thought I would). I will no longer be land-locked in the Midwest. I’m leaving the state I’ve been trying to leave for over 20 years!

There are definitely hard parts. For example, my kids will still be living in Indiana. However, my job is remote. That means I’m able to travel back and forth to spend a week at a time with them between when they stay with us. I’m so excited for so many reasons! And the kids are excited too. They see me pursuing my dreams and keeping up my relationship with them. Caring for myself allows me to prioritize caring for them. It’s also close to some of their treasured family they otherwise don’t get to see.

Do you distance parent?

Are you in Raleigh-Durham?

What are your age 40 goals?
I distance parenting. thethiswonderful stDurham area.

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