Help! I’m Disappearing!

I reached my size goal the other day through a ketogenic diet coupled with CrossFit. I was like, yes! This is awesome! My knees feel great. One has no cartilage so this is a big deal.

image from

I looked in the mirror and felt great about my body. I knew I didn‘t want to get any smaller. I like my shape. I’m happy at a size 8. Like I said, this is the best size for my knees. I feel amazing.

So I replaced my wardrobe with clothes that fit.

And I promptly dropped 3 more pounds.

Then woke up this morning, a week from my last weigh-in, slipped into my jeggings and realized they are loose. More pounds lost. Yikes!

I’m guessing my metabolism is up from muscle gains, but the other piece of this is I struggle on the regular to eat my baseline calories per day. Keto keeps me full. I feel sluggish when I eat more calories. Buuuut, I did the math and it turns out I’m regularly eating 900 calories shy of my daily goal. NINE HUNDRED. Gah!

How am I going to fit in 900 calories unless I’m drinking salted olive oil and calling it soup?

I can’t add grains, sugar or dairy. Those all make me sick. Going beyond 35 grams of carbs makes my ADHD relapse. Here is my ideal breakdown:


Here is what today looks like assuming I eat double dinner:


And here is my face just thinking about stuffing more food inside this body:


I’m taking your sugar-free, dairy-free, grain-free, low carb, high fat suggestions. I need palatable fat bombs. I need fats that aren’t mayo, olive or coconut oil.

By the way, writing this made me hungry so maybe that’s the secret? Writing more?


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