Relationships and the 'twists'

Life is a complex 'matter' to be discussed. Often we think that we 'know' the world and also get blinded by our own attitudes and beliefs that we forget to think about the other person or stand in his shoes.

A set of beliefs are what shapes the mind and it could be right or wrong. For example, a belief based on the rules of the societal conditions that existed fifty years ago would not be right in today's world but people are so made to believe so that it would be impossible to bring about a sudden change.

What I am trying to say is that in the modern world, relationships tend to suffer because people do not consider others based on their qualities but on their social roles, attitudes, believes, and general perceptions.



Recently, I got to know about a family crisis. I can not disclose personal details but I can tell that it has caused a stir. The people involved have not tried to understand each other. Instead, they have tried to make matters worse by arguing about it and involving or trying to involve third persons who do not have the best of intersts.

When third parties are involved, matters go from far to worse and the exchange of words leads to broken relationships and before you know it, separation occurs because Ego is too important rather than reconciliation.

Is there a solution?

Of course, there are solutions. It just takes a few retrospective thoughts and willpower, to be honest, and humble and admit that people matter more than anything else.

Why does everyone forget that people matter most?

If there is no one to argue with anymore, loneliness would set in and there won't be anyone left to blame. It s better to have people in the house rather than empty rooms, is it not?

It is simple logic. Okay, agreed that some people are toxic and we need to be away from them and it is okay too if they are abusive. If they are not abusive and some fault lies within oneself, then it is time to rethink and make corrections. Otherwise, there won't be anybody in times of need.

Many people do not think ahead and these are the ones who make a mountain out of a molehill. Sudden situations and emergencies do not last forever. So, we should think calmly and then make life-changing decisions.

There is a small talk that many marriages in countries of the east last for a lifetime. To be honest, some marriages last because of societal pressure and family honor. Of late, there have been reports of crimes related to dowry, increasing and people are advised not to demand dowry but it will take years for that particular form to disappear. We need more social reformers like Raja Ram Mohan Roy who banned the practice of Sati. It is high time, dowry is banned forever. Also, the practice of 'gifts'.

People are the 'gifts' and we should learn to respect and honor each other.

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