73 questions for you

Recently, I watched a few vlogs by Vogue on YouTube where celebrities are asked 73 questions based on their lifestyle and a few other things.

I found it interesting that the celebrities were not courteous enough to offer the interviewer a seat leave alone drinks or food except a few, maybe.

The questions were obviously handed out before and the answers revealed how shallow the lives of the celebrities were. It just shows that deep inside, they were really more 'lonely' than the normal common people. Feels sad, right? If you haven't watched, do so when you have spare time.

Ok, leave alone the celebrities. I thought about why not ask 73 questions to the common man. You can do a 73 question challenge on hive and ask your favorite person and do an interview post maybe.


So, here are my 73 questions to the common man. If it seems interesting, please try to answer a few or all and share this post.

73 Questions

  1. Where are you from and what's your occupation?
  2. What's your favorite subject of study?
  3. Are you aware of cryptocurrency?
  4. Are you aware of hive.io?
  5. Do you play splinterlands?
  6. Do you find interest in sharing selfies on social media?
  7. Why do you think that people are more engrossed online?
  8. Have you ever thought seriously about the harmful effects of pollution?
  9. Have you done something to reuse and recycle?
  10. Are you a professional gamer?
  11. iPhone or Android?
  12. Nature walks or nightclubs?
  13. Mountains or the beach?
  14. Traditional or modern?
  15. Meat eater or vegetarian?
  16. Do you love to travel?
  17. Do you like to help others or think about yourself first?
  18. Do you like to save money or spend?
  19. Are you good at geography?
  20. Still in contact with school friends?
  21. Coffee or tea?
  22. Sweet tooth?
  23. Do you know how to cook?
  24. Chinese food or local?
  25. Airbnb or hotel?
  26. Spiritual or practical?
  27. Have you traveled to other countries?
  28. Daily exercises or weekly workout?
  29. Have you ever trekked?
  30. Have you gone on adventure tourism?
  31. Have you watched movies by an international film director?
  32. Do you have pets?
  33. Who is your favorite person?
  34. What is your favorite board game?
  35. Which sport do you like to watch?
  36. Which is your favorite sports team?
  37. Any favorite movie actor?
  38. Who is the person who inspired you the most?
  39. Do you believe in self-satisfaction?
  40. One good deed a day - ever done that?
  41. Ever invested in stock or crypto?
  42. Have you ever written a blog?
  43. Have you ever thought about how different your life would have been if you had chosen another path?
  44. Do you believe in God or the almighty?
  45. Do you feel self-confident when taking an important decision?
  46. Do you make decisions without consulting anybody else?
  47. Do you feel pity for the people less fortunate than you?
  48. Do you read political news?
  49. Do you follow gossips about celebrities?
  50. Do you watch travel blogs?
  51. Do you have a bucket list?
  52. Do you do your home cleaning or employ someone else?
  53. Are you afraid of wild animals?
  54. Have you had bad experiences while in school?
  55. Modern parenting techniques or traditional?
  56. Ever baked?
  57. Ever sketched or painted?
  58. Have you bought an NFT ever?
  59. Have you experienced love at first sight?
  60. Do you miss your family?
  61. Do you know how to play a musical instrument?
  62. Do you know anything about astronomy?
  63. Have you ever watched birds?
  64. What is your favorite color?
  65. What is your favorite animal?
  66. Have you lived on a farm?
  67. Have you traveled by sea?
  68. Have you had problems while traveling?
  69. If life gave you a second chance, which profession would you choose and why?
  70. Have you visited any dangerous tourist spots?
  71. Have you felt angry and how did you control your anger?
  72. Have you ever written a diary?
  73. Have you got a tattoo?

These questions took me more than an hour and I hope you found it interesting to read. Even if you do not bother to write answers, I am sure you would have answered a few in your mind, at least.

Thank you for reading it through and hope you will share it.

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