Why Don't We Follow The Advice We Give To Others?


Getting into problems in life is as common as life itself. Sometimes it feels like life is just a quest to solve as many problems as you can because that's all everyone ever seems to be doing!

Fortunately we are not alone in all of this and can rely on the suppport of friends and family when we run into a road block. Naturally we do the same when they are in need of any help as well.

This got me thinking the other day. We all seem to be expert advisors when it comes to helping our loved ones. Looking back at all the excellent advices that I have ever given, I realised that I would have been much better off in every way possible, if I had taken heed of my own words!

Luckily I found out that I was not the only one doing this. Almost everyone has this tendency to lay out words of wisdom when it comes to other people but when the time comes, they don't follow the same themselves!

Why Is That So?


Of course any sane person would ask why we do so. I mean, if we can benefit from anything at all, we would use it, right? Especially to solve all the darn problems that seem to crop up out of nowhere, continuously.

Why is it then that we don't do it more often, or in my case, ever! I did some introspection and I think I know why. It takes little effort to give out advices but takes a lot of effort to follow them.

The saying "easier said than done" might apply here. Excluding the really big obstacles or complicated issues, I think we all know the solutions to our plethora of tiny problems but we might just be too lazy to go through with it.

I mean, everyone knows how to be healthy and fit, but how many of us actually follow a strict diet plan and exercise daily or do the 10 other things that we are supposed to do to remain healthy? Only a small percentage, I guess.

What To Do About It?


It's one of those things where to solve one problem, we need to solve the underlying problem first. Look at us. More problems to solve! Didn't I tell you in the beginning that this is the default settings of life?

Well anyways, getting back to the point. I think the underlying issue is that we lack discipline and that might apply to any area of your life that might not be working as you would like.

I mean, everything takes effort. Even doing something you love, like eating a pizza! So, if we could all just get a little more disciplined and put away our hesitations, laziness, procrastinations, or whatever else, I think we could all achieve a lot more.

Why? Because we are the best advice givers on the planet, each one of us. We just need to listen to our own selves and bring to practise what we preach to others.

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