Escaping the Rat Race: Stop Running and Start Living

Remember the time when you were a child and believed that the world is this magical place where you can be what you want and have what you want and when you want it? All you wanted to do is be an adult and live life freely.

But now that you are an adult, you realise the meaning of the saying, “Careful what you wish for”. Well, growing up is out of our hands and the way the world is designed, one enters the rat race willingly or reluctantly.

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It is a paradox of modern life that we work so hard, strive so much to be successful, to earn money, so that we may be able to live a ‘good’ life, to be able to enjoy all the things we want to but in the process, we end up doing exactly that. We forget to live life! And when we do have enough money/success, it is already too late.

In the wheel of life, we are hamsters, running endlessly towards a mythical finish line waiting for somebody to grant us a medal but alas it is all but an illusion. Don’t let it fool you. Running may be a necessity but don’t let it be the only thing you do. Let me suggest you some ways to get off that wheel.

1. Do More Things That You Love

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There are always things that we have to do and what we want to do. I want to read the most awesome novel there is, in the comfort of my cozy bed, while sipping coffee while it rains outside. 

What I have to do is a different story. I have to sit behind a computer screen, all day long managing inventory, sales and other boring stuff that I would give anything to ‘not’ do.

But here’s the thing, even though you have to do stuff you don’t really want to do, you can manage time for stuff that you love doing, like, listening to music, hanging out with friends, binge watching TV shows and really anything you want.

And don’t let people tell you that you can’t. You absolutely can if you don’t make the rat race your one and only point of focus in life. Don’t come up with excuses and take that guitar out and play some tunes if it is what really makes you happy.

2. Start Diversifying

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Nobody want to get stuck in a 9-5 job. That is literally the race track of the rat race. But you also need money. It’s a necessary evil. So, what do you do? Well, thanks to the internet and the ever changing world, you have more options nowadays.

If you haven’t already start doing some freelance or consultation work. This will decrease your dependence on your job. Start something of your own especially something that you would really love doing and which wouldn’t feel like working.

When you start making enough money from your ‘side ventures’ you can finally quit that soul sucking job you’ve always hated and start doing something you actually love and gives your life some meaning or purpose!

3. Spend Time With Your Family

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The thing about success or money is that there is really never enough. That’s just how we humans have programmed ourselves to be in these modern times. In the rat race, we tend to forget the most important part of our lives. Our families. 

Spend some quality time with your family everyday. Laugh with them, have fun, eat together, play together! Go on trips, picnics or hiking. The memories you’ll make will be more precious than all the money you’ll ever earn.

4. Dial Down On Consumerism

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Today’s consumption culture created by the multinational corporation is really getting out of hand. We have a product for everything you can imagine. We have also become hoarders of stuff either we need them or not.

We buy things for all the wrong reasons and later regret it when we don’t have enough money left for our other needs and necessities. People want big homes and expensive cars and a posh lifestyle, and this is exactly what gets them into the rat race in the first place.

You should only really buy something if it adds value to your life, if it satisfies your necessities or adds quality to your life. Stop wasting money on unwanted things to impress people that you don’t even care about. That should reduce a lot of pressure from your life.

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