
The Tongue is the flexible muscular organ in the mouth that is used to move food around, for tasting and that is moved into various positions to modify the flow of air from the lungs in order to produce different sounds in speech. (Dictionary)

Let's peoperly disect the tongue in reality.


Flexibility entails the qualityof having options. So, as small as the tongue may seem, it has to natural options - either to make or to mar. We could also say, either to build or to destroy, to kill or to make alive, to encourage or to discourage, to curse or to bless, etc. This is why parents should be very careful when dealing with their children. There is a huge difference between emanating discipline and cursing. Without any aorter of doubt, how parents use their tongues on children works alot. We've seen cases of children who ended up living miserable lives prior to the curses laid upon them via their tongues. So, parents, i would please emplore you to use the rod on the child instead of the tongue. The only scenario where you could use the tongue on your children, is the case of advising, encouraging and blessing them only: not the other way round. Please, I beg you in the name of God.

With the aid of the tongue, you could have a taste of either to bitter or sweet part of life. There is a popular saying that "your TODAY is a product of the words you said YESTERDAY". And we are all abreast that without the tongue, one cannot speak. Positive spoken words work. It has worked for me so many times. Sometimes, it works spontaneously, sometimes, it might take a while, but as long as you keep on saying it, it would, undoubtedly, come to pass. My refrigerator got spoilt for about 2 months - it wasn't working. And i had so many budgets that i had to fix up. But, a friend of mine who came visiting said "this fridge would work" try it. I plugged it to a source and till date, it's still working. Hallelujah! This is spontaneous. Sometime ago, i was staying in a smaller apartment and i kept on saying i would move to a better place. In less than one month, I moved to a better place with ease and less funds. Kudos to God for this symbol of authority (tongue) He has given to us. Please, my friend, use it to taste the good side of life even in bitter situations.

Yes, do you believe that just by sound of your voice, you could become one of the richest persons in the world? It is 100% possible. Let's take a glimpse at some motivational speakers who make millions of dollars just via the sound of their speeches. And, surprisingly, some of them spend not even up to 2 Hours in a talk show, but make cash that some people cannot make in 2 years. Take a look at some musicians. Just imagine what those guys are making just via the sound of their voices: excluding the cash, check out the fame and how lives are being blessed. OMW (Oh My World). Now, what about the comedians? The Actors? The Actresses?

While others are their lives and the lives of others with their tongues, some are making millions, blessing lives and getting famous. Please, choose your path wisely. Thanks!

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