The Abilities On Your Inside

No matter how much motivational speeches you listen to, it does not take away the fact that you are not omnipotent and your are not invincible. You should understand that even though you are meant to believe that you can do all things, but in reality, you may not.

Image from Pixabay

There is nothing bad in having a positive thought, but until the thought culminates into positive actions, it will not profit you. However, even while performing the actions, you should understand that life is very complex.

I always tell people that life is not a quadratic equation in mathematics that you can easily solve all questions with the almighty formula. This is why you may not be motivated beyond your natural ability.

That something worked perfectly well for someone else does not mean it will work at all for you. It does not matter how much a bird tries to motivate a turtle, it cannot fly because it is not designed for flight. In the same way, you need to know your abilities and what you are designed to do.

Trying to be someone else may limit your advancement and may even make you a second choice - cos no matter how clear a photocopying machine is, it cannot produce a copy that will be better than the original.

It is very okay to follow the instructions and steps of people that have gone ahead of you but you should not allow it to becloud you vision. You may have similar dream with someone but your approach will make yours different.

Bearing a positive mindset is one of the requirements to emerge as a conqueror but complementing the positive mindset with a positive action is what ultimately delivers your desired result.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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